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What if there were no points?

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  • What if there were no points?

    This is more of a curiousity question than anything..

    If there was no ranking system, no points system at all then do you reckon the game would change much? And if so, for the better?

    I reckon it would be better. People wouldn't tk for vechiles so that they could go and get their points up. People wouldn't get upset about being killed a number of times in a row by the same guy and then vote kick him due to their k/d ratio messing up. The top10 wouldn't feel pressurised to keep up the appearances of staying in their place.

    I'm by no means saying that the ranking system should go, just questioning the possibility.


  • #2
    Re: What if there were no points?

    Go on an unranked server and you'll get your answer.


    • #3
      Re: What if there were no points?

      Mods would be alot more popular, thats for sure.
      "Crunch's First Officer"
      twitter: @signaprime


      • #4
        Re: What if there were no points?

        Other than a slight shift in character choices (I can see medics being much less popular), I don't think the game would change TOO much.



        • #5
          Re: What if there were no points?

          Then the game would become pointless


          • #6
            Re: What if there were no points?

            I think many people would quit. I play solely for the fun (and most of it is in the ranking up and getting medals and so forth, for me at least). But gameplay would not be a whole lot different other than mods.

            No stat padding??????? Nvm, that would change alot.


            • #7
              Re: What if there were no points?

              Classes like medic, support would become a lot less played. But there would be a lot more servers with different mods and custom maps running, thats for sure.

              I bet when all the major mods get released, EA will make a new policy "If you rent an unranked server for a mod, u must pay double"
              I can see that happen when no1 will play vanilla BF2 anymore

              sry for crappy english


              • #8
                Re: What if there were no points?

                I hear somewhere there is going to be MOD for BF2 with Ranking system
                If there was no Raking server thats will be much better ppl will not get banned for stat padding,mistakes. BF1942 (DC) time was very,very enjoyable .


                • #9
                  Re: What if there were no points?

                  i would just tk.


                  • #10
                    Re: What if there were no points?

                    It wouldn't be fun. People would TK, and the entire theme of the game would have to change. What military game doesn't have ranks?


                    • #11
                      Re: What if there were no points?

                      I think there would be a lot more tking and more people running around being worthless.


                      • #12
                        Re: What if there were no points?

                        Well CS was great fun because of the custom maps and all that stuff and it still is fun. There could still be a clans and clan leagues and maybe you could be ranked if you were in CAL OR CPL then you could still please both worlds.


                        • #13
                          Re: What if there were no points?

                          i would tk a whole lot more


                          • #14
                            Re: What if there were no points?

                            game would get wurse, I remember bf1942 where it was sometimes just not possible for getting in a plane or tank ; you got TK'd for in an instance, and why should they care, nothing recording it anyway, who cares about points, they just want to fly or get in the tank , also many guys just getting in the game for TK ing for fun


                            • #15
                              Re: What if there were no points?

                              play bf1942 or bfv, and that's what it would be like. Or unranked servers.

                              It just would not be very fun IMO. the awards and ranks that the points give you let you work for something, even if you are like me and really have no awards to really work on, it still makes it more fun.

