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Video settings

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  • Video settings

    Hi all. I have a question for those that have fiddled a lot with the video settings. I currently run BF2 at max resolution (60hz), geometry on high, and all other settings at medium. I get an average of 50-55 fps on decent servers. My question is, would the game look better with lower resolution and high settings? Or am I better off leaving it where it's at? The game looks really good, but would switching it up give me better frame rates without sacrificing visual quality? My hardware is listed in sig. The video card is overclocked with coolbits. The RAM is at 2-3-3-6 and 1.85v and I don't want to mess with it anymore than that. Any advice or observations is much appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Video settings

    I have often wondered but am too lazy to change all settings and run it checking fps then change setting run it again...

    i dont think there is much benefit from high settings vs medium, i am running 1024x768 with everything on medium and 2X AA

    looks pretty good to me, plays smooth

    might get frisky and crank up the resolution but then again, i am pretty lazy

