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  • Resolutions

    I have a question about resolutions. Does ur desktop resolution effect your game resolution and does a higher resolution casue lag or anything like that? I havea 17'' 1024x768 so is that what i set it to ingame or what? I like to have my desktop res at 1152x864 so does that affect anything? thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: Resolutions

    no, your ingame and out of game are different. You can set each differently, and when you boot the game, it changed the resolution. THe only things that affect it is max moniter resolution (you cant go over it) and your video card (how it performs at higher resolutions)


    • #3
      Re: Resolutions

      The Higher the res , the more strain on your graphics, i.e 1280*960 everything on full will lets say get some one 20 FPS , whereas 800*600 everything on full will maybe get them 80


      • #4
        Re: Resolutions

        does anyone think that BF2 has a 'sweet spot' as far as resolution, like does the game just run better at certain resolutions rather than others based on game code not your own hardware?


        • #5
          Re: Resolutions

          Originally posted by catskill
          does anyone think that BF2 has a 'sweet spot' as far as resolution, like does the game just run better at certain resolutions rather than others based on game code not your own hardware?
          AFAIK it's very simple: lower res -> less data to move -> higher FPS (assuming other video settings stay the same). I can't think of any reason why there would be any "special" resolution that performed better than others.

