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What are your mouse settings?

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  • What are your mouse settings?

    I am curious as to what people have thier mouse settings adjusted to in the game. Please elaborate on any success or improvements you have noticed with any changes. My settings are currently:

    Common Controls
    Sensitivity: 1.30
    YAW: 1
    PITCH: 1

    Land Vehicles
    Sensitivity: 2.30
    YAW: 2
    PITCH: 2

    Aircraft Contorls
    Sensitivity: 1.30
    YAW: 1
    PITCH: 1

    Helicopter Controls
    Sensitivity: 10.00 (This tip came from someone at BF2, very helpful)
    YAW: 1
    PITCH: 1

    Boat Controls
    Who cares. Unless any settings you have make the boat manuver like a swordfish.

    P.S. I have an opitcal wireless mouse, at least a couple times during the game, my aim goes straight up into the air, and I spin around like an idiot for a few seconds. I can only imagine what it looks like to an enemy who is trying to shoot me. Anyways, I was curious to know why that happens.



  • #2
    Re: What are your mouse settings?

    Razor copperhead with 'on the fly' sensitivity, couldnt be bothered to experiment for hours with what i liked
    Quite nice in that you can turn it up or down for precise aiming in a tank or anything else but it can be frustrating when you find that perfect sensitivity and never can get it quite the same again.

    Wireless is a big no for gaming ive found, totally irratic and batterys die at the least practicle moment.


    • #3
      Re: What are your mouse settings?

      Oh wow, I didnt even know you could adjust mouse sensitivity for vehicles.
      No wonder I feel so slow at turning my gun around on tanks and apc's.
      THANK YOU!


      • #4
        Re: What are your mouse settings?

        I have all mine set to 2.4 excpet for any any didnt touch those. It also does matter what setting your boat is on because it affects the sensetivity of the turret. Same with the car, tank, and APC


        • #5
          Re: What are your mouse settings?

          Helicopters are 1.0, tanks and jets are 3.0 and I fly mouse with dpi 900


          • #6
            Re: What are your mouse settings?

            Common Controls
            Sensitivity: 5000
            YAW: 10
            PITCH: 10

            it helps


            • #7
              Re: What are your mouse settings?

              Great topic, I would like to know what all the better Helo pilots have theirs set at.


              • #8
                Re: What are your mouse settings?

                Originally posted by Quasimofo555
                Common Controls
                Sensitivity: 5000
                YAW: 10
                PITCH: 10

                it helps


                • #9
                  Re: What are your mouse settings?

                  I would like to re-open this thread and hear some of the best mouse setting that peeps are using. I have been experimenting with my mouse setting but have not yet found that perfect 'sweet spot'

                  Let's hear some feedback folks!


                  • #10
                    Re: What are your mouse settings?

                    Ground: 1.4
                    Armor: 5
                    Jet: 10
                    Chopper: 10
                    Boat: 4


                    • #11
                      Re: What are your mouse settings?

                      How do you edit mouse sensitivity?

