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Admin Abuse Ranting Thread

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  • Admin Abuse Ranting Thread

    Hey guys, I've been seeing lots of these threads lately and figured I'd post my own but I'd also like for further rants to be in replies to this thread, not new posts. So if you have a story about admin abuse or just general bitching about the game feel free but please don't clutter the board with em.

    Recently I was commanding on a Wake island which normally consists of me eating twinkies on the carrier the whole match while I play my artillery board game but the teams were down to 8v8 so I decided I had better get off my lazy ass and start helping. So I drive around a bit, cap some flags, generally assist people, etc while trying to maintain a commanding status. My assets start getting the bug where they're broken on the screen but not broken in reality so I couldn't use UAV or Scan. I'm hopping flags and see a tank, so I decide to pop in it since no one was around or helping me at that point. I scoot around the island a little and get a few kills but get Eryx'd eventually; next thing you know the admin is telling me if I keep using the vehicles I'll be banned. I ask why and he said "commanders command"; I told him I wasn't going to lose this match because my team didn't want to drive vehicles. So after that I sat on the deck for a bit and got frustrated because our team wasn't holding flags well. I decided I'd take the cobra which had been sitting on the deck the whole match and kill some of the enemy armor that had been capping flags. Three kills later I'm banned, suprise suprise.

    //how the hell do you get indents to work in this damned editor? I can't format my text for sh1t.

  • #2
    Re: Admin Abuse Ranting Thread

    Bottom line the guy gave you a warning which you ignored so there is really nothing to complain about.

