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Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

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  • Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

    I read that setting BF2 as a high priority program would increase performance with low-end computers. I read it from here:

    Very useful tips btw, so anyway

    I manually changed the priority while in game and i did get a little better performance but my keyboard didn't work properly. When i moved forward, my soldier started sliding and moved forward for like 5 seconds.

    And i also had "lag" with my keyboard, for example:

    I pressed numlock and after 3 seconds it went on, i have a light for it in my keyboard. Keyboard did all the commands like 3 seconds after i pressed the button and acted very weirdly... My joystick worked well and didn't have any problems and my mouse was fine also. After trying high priority i switched back to normal priority and my keyboard started working again.

    So im wondering that is this some known problem when setting BF2 as high priority program? Someone else also had the same problem but he didn't know how to fix it.

    I didn't find any other threads about this so i did a new one.

    Please help


  • #2
    Re: Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

    Originally posted by NouTaja-FIN
    I read that setting BF2 as a high priority program would increase performance with low-end computers. I read it from here:

    Very useful tips btw, so anyway

    I manually changed the priority while in game and i did get a little better performance but my keyboard didn't work properly. When i moved forward, my soldier started sliding and moved forward for like 5 seconds.

    And i also had "lag" with my keyboard, for example:

    I pressed numlock and after 3 seconds it went on, i have a light for it in my keyboard. Keyboard did all the commands like 3 seconds after i pressed the button and acted very weirdly... My joystick worked well and didn't have any problems and my mouse was fine also. After trying high priority i switched back to normal priority and my keyboard started working again.

    So im wondering that is this some known problem when setting BF2 as high priority program? Someone else also had the same problem but he didn't know how to fix it.

    I didn't find any other threads about this so i did a new one.

    Please help

    well it can improve any game/prgram but can also cause system instability.


    • #3
      Re: Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

      Yes, when you change the priority of some programs, another program is going to have to pay the price and run slower.... When I set my BF2 to high priority xfire refuses to work and my ventrilo does not let me transmit messages... In your case, your keyboard is just happening to pay the price...


      • #4
        Re: Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

        Setting high priority processes in XP is a VERY VERY VERY bad idea.
        This forces Windows to assign more resources to that process, often to the detriment of critical system tasks.
        Change it back.


        • #5
          Re: Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

          Okie i see, il play BF2 with normal priority then =)

          Thank you


          • #6
            Re: Setting BF2 as high priority program HELP

            Originally posted by NouTaja-FIN
            Okie i see, il play BF2 with normal priority then =)

            Thank you
            You could also try using the reverse logic, try lowering the priority.

            BF2.exe has a builtin command line called +lowPriority . If you add +lowPriority (it is case sensative) in the BF2 shortcut it runs in low priority, thus giving background processes more CPU time.

            You can look in similar thread here, about low priority:
   The batch file and other solutions mentioned in thread linked to are mute as BF2 has the +lowPriority option which is far easier.

