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24/7 kubra dam U all server

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  • 24/7 kubra dam U all server


    here is my rant and im pretty ****ed about it. I love this map... so naturally ive been playing this map daily for several weeks now on this particular server....

    issue number one :
    what posessed you people to switch to 64 players???? your server cant handle it... when u were on 40 or so it was fine.... the moment u switched to 64, and it gets near full it gets laggy and unplayable..... if you had a real website i wouldnt come here and complain but since you dont seem to have a website i have no idea who is in control or who to contact so i am here...which leads me to my next bitch

    issue number two:
    since i love this map and loved the server, i played it constantly....till now... its the same old spiel about TK'ing little faggots so apologys to everyone who has to read thru more of this garbage... i fly choppers 99% of the time... i also realize other people do as well.... so im fine with taking turns with people instead of wasting time fighting over it and tking.... well tonight while playing (as i do every day on this server for weeks now) i ran to the heli pad and so did another guy.... we couldve both got in just fine...but while standing there he stood right in front of me and shot me right in the face to get the helo as it spawned.....i was tired of this constantly going on at this point so i decided to take action... when the guy died and he spawned in and ran to the pad i shot him dead.... saying in chat that payback is a bitch huh? so now we are even on tk's which i hate doin in the first place when all we have to do is take turns or hell just ask me if u wanna fly just dont up and kill for it fags..... so i thought he would chill out and share a bit as i was willing to do but not a chance.

    round ends, we start again and me and my gunner get the heli first.... everyone is shooting us for getting there first of course... we get to the end of the runway and set down to make our squad..while doing this clintdeez hops in a jeep and starts shooting us till we die..... i type wtf is your problem, youve tk'd me before so what is ur deal??? Stop tk'ing and just take turns...its easy.... its called S H A R I N G.... say it with me S H A R I N G......
    well it was at that point i got kicked, then banned for being tk'd myself!!!!!........ so my question is what stupid retards do you have running your server.... i loved playing on this sever and had for several weeks .... but your tk'ing lil kids end up staying while the decent players get banned????????????
    i have no problems also fighting on the ground but tk'ing someone on purpose isnt right either, then saying sorry in chat doesnt make it right......

    so till you get some actual admins in their with their heads on straight your server is gonna suk balls, especially when its lagging all the time from the switch to just ****ed off for losing a great map i loved and a place that played it 24/7 due to some TK'ing faggots with no patience.

    off my soapbox and flame suit on


  • #2
    Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

    Ah, the blight of jerks in the game... (not referring to you, im refering to the guy who was TKing) These guys exist, unfortunately, so just deal with it and go to another server. Hopefully he wont be there tomorrow, and you can go back to your regular style.


    • #3
      Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

      yea, agreed with ghilleman:
      theres always bound to br jerks and annoying kids who think they're the pwnzor in vehicles, but EA aint gonna do anything about that...


      • #4
        Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

        Perhaps this post would be better situated on the site belonging to the same people who run/admin the server?



        • #5
          Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

          kubra dam sucks;
          that is all.


          • #6
            Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

            " oh my god I dont have patiente to tell how I suck and the server sucks too and every noob whos a retard makes me feel I'M a disaaasteeeeeeeeeeeeeer "


            • #7
              Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

              I have also been on that server for a good bit this past week, and I gave up on trying to use vehicles after about a day for the same reasons.

              Let me first define what i call 'big vehicles'. Attack helo's, transport helo's, tanks, apc's, AA platforms. Basically anything you couldn't just hop in in a matter of seconds (like the dune buggies, atv's, and boats)

              My solution to tthe problem (btw i'm sure this will never happen)
              EA should impliment some kind of application process (similar to applying for commander) causing you to spawn directly in the 'big' vehicles mentioned above (in the transport helo and apc, this should only apply to the pilot/driver). I see this fixing two problems.

              1st- the tking for jets and heli's would be over, as killing the pilot/driver, or destroying the vehicle would not give you access to the vehicle (This could iether be highest rank gets it, or perhaps the game could keep a que and cycle)

              2nd- those who use jets helos tanks AA, etc as taxis would be eliminated (i would even go so far as to say you can't get out or cap flags while driving, ie you go down with the ship, and need people with you to cap = more teamwork)

              As a side effect, it would could increase the teamplay effectiveness of the transport helo's and apc's (apc's only if my other suggestion below happened), as the pilot/driver would be playing the 'transport' role more religiously having no other options, (what good is piloting a black hawk if you can't jump out, can't swich to a side gunner position etc... you would only do it if you wanted to move people)

              My other vehicle suggestions.

              -Tank and apc's should require a man to drive and a man on the main gun, this would reduce the 'apc as a cheap tank' issue.

              -'Big' Vehicle drivers should have a direct comm to the commander (like squad leaders) so that a commander could say "we need air support at X", and there would be air support at X. And also a separate comm for those in the vehicle.

              There's always hope...


              • #8
                Re: 24/7 kubra dam U all server

                Originally posted by SaladFork
                Perhaps this post would be better situated on the site belonging to the same people who run/admin the server?


