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God Bless Medics

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  • #46
    Re: God Bless Medics

    I played Medic a lot when I started out because it was easy and gave me a chance to learn the game. I played medic for other reasons in Enemy Territory but one thing that carried over was when to revive.

    I still play medic from time to time a bit more now because suddenly all the medic whores are now support whores. What's the world coming to when you can't get a medic on a 64 man Karkand server???

    I play medic if there's a shortage now and rest assured I won't revive you when arty starts falling etc and I do heal people if their health is low. Just please please don't run away when I have my medpack out and spam for a medic. I hate chasing after people to heal them. It's really annoying.

    Oh one of the simply joys of being a medic is following a squad and watch another squad wipe them out and walk away barely alive. Then I go revive the squad and watch them massacre the other. I know there's nothing more irritating that killing someone only to have him come back and kill you.


    • #47
      Re: God Bless Medics

      Originally posted by Alcorr
      The g36E is very accurate too, I think its a BIT less accurate (a BIT) but does a good bit more dmg....
      I'm not comparing the accuracy of the weapons, i'm saying that 3-round burst is much more accurate that full auto


      • #48
        Re: God Bless Medics

        Originally posted by HaVoc.uK
        Sadly, due to 1.2 if I see you I may not be able to revive you. Its the most frustrating thing, to see a corpse lying on the floor, calling for a medic, but because of the dumbass patch you gotta wait for the medic to gain more mana... or magic points... or healing powers... -_-
        The shock paddles and medic bags are now linked thats all, you get 3 in a row then you need a 2 secod recharge. So bassically if you dont spam medic packs all the time then theres enuff juice for your reviving still (i.e if you throw 2 medic bags then you only have one revive before a 2 second delay) It is to stop people going OTT now the paddles recharge while not in use.

        To all the haters most medics care about the lack of a ticket loss not the 2 points, to even think that you must be a stat whore yourself. Medics win the GAME its as simple as that.

        Originally posted by DieEarlyDieOften
        So when a medic gets killed how many of you pick up the medics kit and revive him?
        ME! although its hard to find them somtimes if there out of sight without the symbol above there head and on the minimap, especially if theres apile of enemy corpses around


        • #49
          Re: God Bless Medics

          I'm not comparing the accuracy of the weapons, i'm saying that 3-round burst is much more accurate that full auto


          • #50
            Re: God Bless Medics

            Originally posted by DieEarlyDieOften
            So when a medic gets killed how many of you pick up the medics kit and revive him?
            Yeah I will often do this, especially if he's in my squad or a medic that just revived me earlier. But it can also mess them up because now they have a kit they weren't expecting.

            Last night I revived the commander 3 or 4 times, healed him and killed the guys that killed him. I was his best friend! He thanked me every time. But honestly being a commander he shouldn't have been engaging troops to begin with.

            My least favorite revive is when a medic brings me back in the middle of a fire fight and my clip is empty, only to be mowed down again before I can reload, which is most likely how I died the first time!


            • #51
              Re: God Bless Medics

              For every person that has, or does call medics point whores from this point, I will play an extra round as a sniper each day.
              If you dont want any revives you can **** off.


              • #52
                Re: God Bless Medics

                Sometimes they can be good, especially if you don't plan on getting your purple heart, but sometimes when you die, there's a medic two feet away who decides to keep on walking.


                • #53
                  Re: God Bless Medics

                  I pretty much only play medic because i like helping others get the good scores. I get a really big kick outta helping a high scorer by healing or reviving him. I am a medic cos i know i cannot be as good as the high scorers as an assault or specops. BUT i can certainly help them get there, and thus own some credit for helping them acheive so much.

                  Plus it makes me feel so good when i get the medic call from an unconcious teammate, i rush over to them, kill the guy who killed my teammate, then revive him, and see him say thanks.

                  I just love that about the medic.

                  Of course you always get the 'i dont care' kind of people who only play assault or specops, who dont say thanks for healing or reviving, and who dont revive me, when i get hit after reviving them.

                  Regardless of the circumstances or the outcome, i enjoy healing/reviving the teammates who score big.

                  I mean i sometimes even apologise for not making it to them if they are hit, and i get hit trying to reach them.


                  • #54
                    Re: God Bless Medics

                    I like medics too. Except the chain revivers. You know the guys I mean. Turn around a corner and die from a PKM usually. Medic! So you're revived. Mr PKM kills you again. Medic! Revive. Dead again. Repeat. Mr. PKM is happy at his kill count, Mr. Medic is getting revive scores left and right. I'm watching the numbers count down repeatedly. Please Mr. Medic, shoot the guy before ya revive me.


