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Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

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  • Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

    We all want balance, this is what BF2 is about. We want a certain viechle to have as many good pionts as bad pionts. But, when some *hickups* are expoilted to a certain degree where it just becomes unplayable. What do we do?

    Well, DICE or EA brings out a patch, this changes some settings and therefore sorts out one problem, and then brings up another.

    Its a big cycle which will keep going on, I have to say, I think they got the AA right. But how long will this go on?

    What do YOU think a DEV should do next?

  • #2
    Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

    Set each kit to when it was its strongest and let the gamers play it out--Now it is air superiority again. It is lame


    • #3
      Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

      Take away everythings ability to perform all around- take away fighters bombs, bombers missiles. Take away supporting kits primary weapons or weaken them substantially so they become dependant on Support and Assault. Weaken APCs main gun, make it so that the cannon is good for only infantry and the TOW for the tanks. WEAKEN, so peopel would group up.


      • #4
        Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

        Chris, I think your wrong.

        BF2 tried to promote teamwork alot.


        • #5
          Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

          Some would argue that it was too balanced the day it as released.


          • #6
            Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

            ITs a good game, and other than minor issues (*cough* PKM *cough) the kits are pretty balanced. And the airpower needs minor tweaking, but the biggest problem isn't the stats of the vehicles: Its the players. Most pilots go for points, and they don't give a damn about supporting their team. It would be great to see more pilots giving air cover instead of going for points.


            • #7
              Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

              What they should do to make the game better?

              Have very decently admined official servers, kicking those who are judged as whoring or exploiting ect.


              • #8
                Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                Originally posted by Ghilleman
                ITs a good game, and other than minor issues (*cough* PKM *cough) the kits are pretty balanced. And the airpower needs minor tweaking, but the biggest problem isn't the stats of the vehicles: Its the players. Most pilots go for points, and they don't give a damn about supporting their team. It would be great to see more pilots giving air cover instead of going for points.
                kits are balanced, except for the assault kit, which has no special quality anymore, because the GL's suck (not enough splash) it should have the same amount of splash as a regular grenade IMO


                • #9
                  Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                  Originally posted by Noni
                  Chris, I think your wrong.

                  BF2 tried to promote teamwork alot.
                  I understand. BF2 teamwork is great in theory. But if you step in a public server, its all over. Game developers have to build up the game so it FORCES people to use teamwork.

                  I am playing SWAT4, TSS expansion. Theres a gamemode called Smash and Grab. Basically Suspects try to get the suitcase and escort it to another location. Another game mode that eventually is full fo solo gunners? No sir. As soon as the suspect picks up that suitcase, he can only walk slowly, and use his secondary weapon. His weakness slows down the team so they wont rush. Game becomes tactical, team has a purpose to not to let the suitcase carrier die. This is a fine example of how you can create teamwork demanding atmosphere by handicapping the players.


                  • #10
                    Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                    Originally posted by xXx-Arc_Angel-xXx
                    kits are balanced, except for the assault kit, which has no special quality anymore, because the GL's suck (not enough splash) it should have the same amount of splash as a regular grenade IMO

                    Every other game I play on the ground, there's a reasonable amount of communication and teamwork. One bar to (more or less) total teamwork, is the inability of squad leaders to talk to each other. Without this, we're reliant on the commander to coordinate... Allowing squad leaders to talk to each other would significantly increase teamwork.
                    Also, the points system is biased toward lone wolfing, ie log onto Karkand and spam medic bags and revive as many people as possible for instant personal success. There' no reward for those who may do the potentially boring duties like defending a rear flag.


                    • #11
                      Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                      I'd like it if the sides weren't so similar... but meh.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                        Originally posted by Noni
                        Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?
                        Yes, patch 1.2 destroyed the game.


                        • #13
                          Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                          It seems just about everyone is in agreement that 1.2 was a big pile off poo. Pilots, medics, spec ops, engi's, assaults just about everybody lost out other than the snipers and support players.


                          • #14
                            Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                            A battlefield is not all balanced in rl, as you all know. To make one in a game is just a hilarious attempt and will bring out whinery of the highest degree possible, just look at PW:laugh: . When the game is balanced we wont call the 50some G capable planes for planes but something else probably. Same goes for other platforms imo...


                            • #15
                              Re: Is BF2 being destroyed in the strive for balance?

                              I think for the most part BF2 is fine now, there are bugs remaining to be fix but the game is entirely playable 99.9% of the time.

                              The only thing I'd like to see is the usability of the transport helicopters improved, as it stands now they are flying coffins what with the BH's guns being nerfed ridiculously and the MEC/PLA guns sucking **** since release. They need their range of movement increased along with damage bumped up to put up a fight.

