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Some thoughts on AA in the game...

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  • Some thoughts on AA in the game...

    Anyone else think its completely stupid how jets radar picks up weither a AA site is active or not? I find this absurd and unbalanced. Sorry but radar does not detect people and it is totally unfair as the jets see you in a AA site WAY before you can see them much less get a lock on. I see people all the time sitting in the AA and im like uhhh thats just gonna get you and everyone around you killed. I, like alot of people think the air power is screwed up totally. Why does the mobile AA NOT have a radar? The real life versions have awesome ground to air radar and the ingame models depict them having it aswelll. In Desert Combat the mobile AA has radar and it makes it feared by the jets which is how it should be, not simply there as a easy kill. The mobile AA gets used more against soft targets instead of the jets which is what it is designed for but thats because it sucks. The guns are so underpowered that they overheat before you can usually bring anything down and i see in 1.21 they made the AA worthless again it. Even though in 1.2 the missles did some stupid things, atleast they went after and hit the jets. Now they just fly off into space unless it is directly fired at them which isnt how heatseeking AA works. To sum it up, i think they need to get rid of the jets radar detecting AA sites, give air radar to the mobile AA, increase the damage the mobile AA guns do to jets and choppers (if you fly in range of a mobile AA machine guns they you should have a VERY high chance of being shot down), and put the AA missles back how they worked in 1.2. Now before anyone says this will make the mobile AA to powerful, think about this. There is only ONE mobile AA unit per side and it isnt on too many maps. It should require the air guys getting the spec ops and anti tank guys to go take out the mobile AA if they expect to be able to fly long. Right now the jets are a one man army since they dont rely on anything else to survive. These changes would require the plane whores to actually depend on the ground units to keep them in the air and win the game. I think it would make teamwork more vital to winning instead of just bombing everything on the ground constantly.

  • #2
    Re: Some thoughts on AA in the game...

    I think you need to learn to use AA. I have no trouble bringing down jets from the ground. Only a fool just sits in the stationary AA waiting for a jet to come kill them, you have to actually... get ready for this... THINK. *gasp*

    More powerful machine guns on the mobile AA? Try learning to aim. I tested the Chiniese mobile AA on a J-10 last night, it took 10 rounds from the machine gun to blow it up, all of about half a second of sustained fire.

    Surface to air is just about perfect now. From what I have seen it no longer will track friendlies, and only goes after the jet you have targeted. This alone is a huge boost in power for anyone with a clue.

