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How much is EF gonna be?

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  • How much is EF gonna be?

    I have read from EA themselves that its gonna be around $10 to get EF. I thought at the beginning it was gonna be free but now your gonna haveto pay? I'm like WTF man your gonna haveto pay for just 3 maps and some new stuff? Man seems like EA and Dice want to get your money and have you pay for evrything they do. Maybe the Modders for BF2 like RoK and others should charge money into what they do maybe that would make EA think twice. Any thoughts on this?

  • #2
    Re: How much is EF gonna be?

    Dude don't post these things before you search.. and don't critisise EA/Dice for their decision. If you don't want to pay $10 then don't get EF, simple!


    • #3
      Re: How much is EF gonna be?

      I paid £5.99 for mine.


      • #4
        Re: How much is EF gonna be?

        It's $10 in the US, that mean that they let us pay 1000 IKR for it, which is $16...


        • #5
          Re: How much is EF gonna be?

          This has been talked about so many times it isn't funny. They never said it would be free. Modern combat xbox version gets them for free. Pleas use the search feature.

