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Revert to patch 1.12

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  • Revert to patch 1.12

    Lets go back to the game most of us purchased. The skilled dolphin dive/stabbing, having to aim skillfully to kill the fast moving hoppers, dogfighting, and being able to hear the shot that killed us. Lets not ruin a game to make it competitive for 6 year olds. Every patch since 1.12 has failed in what it set out to do, "red tag bug" for example. "Red tag bug" was never an issue for me becouse i look at uniforms, however i feel it was an convenient excuse to introduce elements within the patches to "dumb down" our game to reach the market that felt the battlefield was not an even playing field, the unskilled arcade market.

    Battlefield 2 as it stands today is not the same game you or I purchased! The first market of skilled gamers was tapped out, soo they changed the game to reach other markets. Changing the gameplay after retail release is not acceptable withen the realm of bussines ethics. Add-ons and patches to fix bugs is the norm, and is ethical. Changing the product to reach another market is unethical!

    I have played my last round until we stand up and revert our game to 1.12!
    Join me fellow gamers, and lets leave this arcade today!


  • #2
    Re: Revert to patch 1.12

    Okay. Buh-Bye!

    Try demo servers. There will be more of those running than 1.12 servers.


    • #3
      Re: Revert to patch 1.12

      well thought out, and well said....

      you made a very intelligent and valid point

      i think the games great, i havent tried 1.21 yet, but i thoroughly enjoy 1.2, and also enjoyed 1.12.

      i bought the game when 1.12 was current, i never employed such 'tactic' as bunny hopping, or dolphin diving, i did however enjoy the challenge they presented, but i dont miss them.

      i do think the game got signifficantly easier with 1.2, maybe im getting better, maybe its all the drastic changes that are occuring to a game that has been long now?


      • #4
        Re: Revert to patch 1.12

        Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
        well thought out, and well said....

        you made a very intelligent and valid point

        i think the games great, i havent tried 1.21 yet, but i thoroughly enjoy 1.2, and also enjoyed 1.12.

        i bought the game when 1.12 was current, i never employed such 'tactic' as bunny hopping, or dolphin diving, i did however enjoy the challenge they presented, but i dont miss them.

        i do think the game got signifficantly easier with 1.2, maybe im getting better, maybe its all the drastic changes that are occuring to a game that has been long now?
        Not even a year. I agree the game was really challenging before. It took a lot more skill to do well, no matter what kit you used. It did get a lot easier after the 1.2 patch. WHo knows, new games are coming around the corner, I seriously doubt this game will survive after summer hits. The mods for BF2 is the only thing I am waiting for.


        • #5
          Re: Revert to patch 1.12

          I only play this game for fun and in my sparse, spare time. I think its ok, but for the peeps that call this game their life I could agree that it maybe bad for them....all I can say is, get a job hippies


          • #6
            Re: Revert to patch 1.12

            Originally posted by Real_CaGeD
            Lets go back to the game most of us purchased. The skilled dolphin dive/stabbing, having to aim skillfully to kill the fast moving hoppers, dogfighting, and being able to hear the shot that killed us. Lets not ruin a game to make it competitive for 6 year olds. Every patch since 1.12 has failed in what it set out to do, "red tag bug" for example. "Red tag bug" was never an issue for me becouse i look at uniforms, however i feel it was an convenient excuse to introduce elements within the patches to "dumb down" our game to reach the market that felt the battlefield was not an even playing field, the unskilled arcade market.

            Battlefield 2 as it stands today is not the same game you or I purchased! The first market of skilled gamers was tapped out, soo they changed the game to reach other markets. Changing the gameplay after retail release is not acceptable withen the realm of bussines ethics. Add-ons and patches to fix bugs is the norm, and is ethical. Changing the product to reach another market is unethical!

            I have played my last game until i find a servers running 1.12.

            Join me fellow gamers, and lets leave this arcade today!


            *Standing Ovation*


            • #7
              Re: Revert to patch 1.12

              Originally posted by Gamerguy X
              *Standing Ovation*
              *The 2nd guy to stand up in the crowd*


              • #8
                Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                I totally agree, I'm gonna give my Ranked server till the end of the month(since I have already paid), but after that I'm gonna go unranked and revert back to 1.12. I wasn't a "Dolphin Diver", but jumping and shooting over proned MG's was where it's at, more so now if you consider the 1.2 MG's accuracy. Plus, the game isn't smooth like it was before 1.2, whenever I go prone and try to get up to fast my character half gets up then lays back down? Blah blah blah.......If they release another patch I'll install it and revaluate then.

                wooho, Aerial Combat 3Final ala 1.12 - can't wait. I hope the Map supports it?



                • #9
                  Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                  refuise to stand for a person who is fighting change

                  lets go back to when choppers were invincible and and bunny hoppers breed like rabbits where a 100 round clip from a pkm hits nothing but air
                  where oyur mines get you punished time and time again becasue players on your own team drive over them

                  sorry but i like the changes that have happened ok so there are some minor bugs but its getting there


                  • #10
                    Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                    Noodle the game you buy shouldnt change, when it does change it is not the same game anymore.

                    BF2 is version 1.12
                    Bf2 arcade is version 1.2

                    I want the game i purchased back, version 1.12!


                    • #11
                      Re: Revert to patch 1.12



                      • #12
                        Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                        Errr, and this was bumped why?


                        • #13
                          Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                          Originally posted by Real_CaGeD
                          BF2 is version 1.12
                          Bf2 arcade is version 1.2
                          Funny how 1.2 is considered arcade, when the most arcadish thing, bunnyhopping, went away with 1.2.


                          • #14
                            Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                            Originally posted by SK
                            Funny how 1.2 is considered arcade, when the most arcadish thing, bunnyhopping, went away with 1.2.
                            And the dam only complaint abaout 1.2 was the bunnyhopper c4 users and the AA that didnĀ“t hit $%#$%#


                            • #15
                              Re: Revert to patch 1.12

                              i like the changes too primarily.
                              Dolphin divin freaks didnt bother me, except I had to actually watch how incredibly stupid it looked, and it took me out of the game a bit. So, that urked me. When ever i saw it, i thought, ahhhh ohhh yeah, i have something else to do here in real life, click, log off.
                              Noob tubes urked me. Till I started using them to fight back. it worked.
                              Invincible copters and planes made me log off many a times. I mean what was the point really? Spawn, raped, spawn raped. I mean...yeah fun times.
                              While we are on the spawn rape thing, here is something that UNREAL implemented to stop that nonsense... "SPAWN GAURD". What happened is, when you spawned you could NOT be killed for 5 seconds or so. That gave the spawner a chance to get the frick away from the lamo spamming whatever he is spamming to kill unsuspecting ........spawners. Ack.
                              AA was REALLY useless. Now its kinda useless, but it was really useless. YOU RARELY saw anyone in AA before. Unless it was to get a badge or medal or whatever.
                              Nah game is better now. Just needs some more tweaking.

