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Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

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  • #46
    Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

    Any word on AT missiles passing through vehicles being fixed?


    • #47
      Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

      Originally posted by raceacontari
      patch hasn't even been officially announced yet and there are already people complaining about it...gesh...
      Its been announced, it will be officially released tomorrow 3/10/2006. had it for download so everyone and their grandma went to get it...


      • #48
        Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

        sure there are some stuff that's still messed up

        but this is still the best damn team game out there :P

        you know you'll still play


        • #49
          Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

          Just an FYI

          I prefer to go directly to the FTP site to get this kinda stuff, since fileCLOWN and the other www file management downloaders either require a first born child, blood sample, or both. F them.

          just pop up your favorite ftp client and go to

 port 21 anon/anon (as in, you dont need a user id and password)

          you will find all patches in there at blazing fast transfer rates.

          now, is it worth patching? that i cant answer, i seem to be one of those rare individuals who NEVER had a hardware/sound/software issue with the game from the beginnining, nor through any patches. And im not running anything special, just mainstream high(er) end equipment (Intel, Creative Labs, NVidia, Dual channel ram)

          i just did the patch, so ill check out how it looks...

          one question that i saw mention back earlier in this thread, is there a way to increase load time and lag time performance? I see it when i first start a map, but once im n for a few min, it dissapears. what is this about deleting the cache files? those crazy-numbered things inside your profile?

          thanks for the info, hope the ftp site (if already not known) helps some of you out.



          • #50
            Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

            Originally posted by j4v4d0g
            Just an FYI
            one question that i saw mention back earlier in this thread, is there a way to increase load time and lag time performance? I see it when i first start a map, but once im n for a few min, it dissapears.
            The lag that happens early in the round and then fades away happens because your system is loading stuff from disk and cacheing it in memory. This hits everyone the first time they load a map in a particular game session. It's less noticeable with faster hard disks.

            If you have about 2Gb of RAM then you only see this lag the first time you load a new map. If you've only got 512 Mb or so, you'll get it with every map change even if you've already played the map in this game session.

            So the short answer is get 2Gb of RAM. Upgrade your hard disk if it's particularly slow.

            The "verifying client" time is partly affected by these factors as well. It's also affected by processor speed and you can't get rid of it entirely.

            Originally posted by j4v4d0g
            what is this about deleting the cache files? those crazy-numbered things inside
            Roughly speaking, these files contain hints and optimisations for the graphics system. The hints are specific to your video card, your graphics settings and the patch version. If you delete them all, BF2 will have to recalculate them. (You'll see the "optimizing shaders" message when it happens.)

            There are two reasons for deleting them. First of all, BF2 leaves old versions lying around that aren't needed any more. They're just wasting disk space. Deleting them frees up a little disk space.

            The second reason is that you suspect that the optimisations might be wrong. I've never seen a problem with this so I only delete them if I'm feeling paranoid.



            • #51
              Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

              Yes the AA is back to being worthless. The heatsinking missles dont chase the planes like they are supposed to. I liked the AA 1.2, it actually worked even if the missles did do some stupid LOOKING things, atleast we had a way to blow plane whores out of the sky.


              • #52
                Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good


                hopefully the next patchw ill fix teh red/blue tag names going on


                • #53
                  Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                  Originally posted by WickedSlammy
                  Yes the AA is back to being worthless. The heatsinking missles dont chase the planes like they are supposed to. I liked the AA 1.2, it actually worked even if the missles did do some stupid LOOKING things, atleast we had a way to blow plane whores out of the sky.
                  Describe the problem exactly. What do the missiles do? Or dont do? How doyou fire? (genuinely interested)


                  • #54
                    Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                    Originally posted by WickedSlammy
                    Yes the AA is back to being worthless. The heatsinking missles dont chase the planes like they are supposed to. I liked the AA 1.2, it actually worked even if the missles did do some stupid LOOKING things, atleast we had a way to blow plane whores out of the sky.
                    Well, if that turns out to be true, chopper pilots will have a hard time. Right now a jet needs somewhere between 1 and 2 secs of direct cannon fire to kill a chopper - if it happens to be at full health, which is rarely the case nowadays. In 1.2 times this was somehow remedied by aggressive air-to-air combat that occupied jet whores on both sides. Now they will be able to safely go back to ignoring themselves and focusing on 30:1 KDR bomb-n-repeat style they like so much. I would have never guessed I will miss this ****ty 1.2 patch. They 'fixed' the only thing there that was actually ok.



                    • #55
                      Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                      im getting alot of 'There is a problem with your connection' messages, much more than on previous version.

                      Plus im also having this tick noise every so often??

                      Apart from that everything is ok.


                      • #56
                        Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                        this wasnt intended to be a 'patch' this was a 'HOTFIX' for several critical game issues,


                        • #57
                          Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                          I have started getting whored of Jets again already


                          • #58
                            Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                            Originally posted by IndianScout
                            this wasnt intended to be a 'patch' this was a 'HOTFIX' for several critical game issues,
                            Well, they changed AA behaviour and I wouldn't call previous AA performance a critical game issue. Locking to oil towers on Zater - yeah, but making sharp turns? No thanks, that was just fine - thanks to that most people actually stood a chance against spawn camping jet whores. This kind of change shouldn't have made it into a hotfix. Besides, the developers should finally make up their minds - either leave the game as it is, or have some *vision*, a design, and execute it - and not change the rules every 3 weeks, because noone tested the release properly in the first place.



                            • #59
                              Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                              Has the medic pads been fixed?


                              • #60
                                Re: Patch 1.21 so far-- not good

                                1. As for the radeon cards, 1.21 did not fix yet. ATI says its a EA issue not a driver issue.
                                2. AT rockets going through tanks and LAV/APC still there.
                                3. Medic pads i have not tried yet, but heard they have not been fixed.
                                4. memory leak in game is still there.

                                But i did notice some of the minor fixes. Notice the verify client before joining game is faster.

