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saving an unlock....

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  • saving an unlock....

    Im saving an unlock i have for when Euro force comes out in the hope i can unlock another assault weapon, at the moment i have the 2000 assault rifle from special forces, is there a better one to unlock? will there be any new assault weapons gained from Euro Force? at the moment the unlocks i have available are a shotgun, the new weapon for the anti tank kit (which seems crap) a sniper rifle which i dont want and a support weapon. If there is going to be nothing new what should i 'spend' my unlock on? they all seem pointless to me.....
    I have been playing the game for about 4 month and have a good understanding of it but the weapon unlocks have always confused me, i thought i should sort the issue once and for all, so any info would be helpfull thanx.

  • #2
    Re: saving an unlock....



    • #3
      Re: saving an unlock....

      euroforce doesn't have unlocks its just a new army with new stock weapons like mec and usmc


      • #4
        Re: saving an unlock....

        what he ^^^ said. no "new unlocks" with EF. I was in a similar situation, (made FS and had four more unlocks right after the patch). Was going to wait, but finally thought about it and:

        1) the p90 is just about useless

        2) the MG36 is ok, but not better than the pkm, so why bother?

        So, I "left" those unlocks for the 50,000 mark (sgt major)--which I will probably never get to.

        The only thing that I'd take into consideration is that with AT and Engineer--on some maps--it is quite useful to be able to hit at medium range. The base weapon with AT is an SMG, so you don't have to worry about it, but with the engineer, I think the mp7 (even nerfed as it is) may prove to be a benefit IF I ever have to bail out of "my" tank.


        • #5
          Re: saving an unlock....

          so what your saying is theres no more assault weapons after the f2000, and if i get the engineers next shotgun there will be an mp7 available for him when i get my next unlock? and that all there is left and so i might aswell do it?


          • #6
            Re: saving an unlock....

            There are only two unlocks per class. EF will not add any more unlocks. So yes, no more assault weapons after the F2000.


            • #7
              Re: saving an unlock....

              well i suppose i might aswell get it then, kind of takes the shine off working for these ranks though.....


              • #8
                Re: saving an unlock....

                No more assault weapons? what about the HK or w.e in the EF, its really good and I'd choose that for my next unlock.


                • #9
                  Re: saving an unlock....

                  the F2000 is a immense gun. its so good


                  • #10
                    Re: saving an unlock....

                    Originally posted by alabama619
                    the F2000 is a immense gun. its so good
                    I rarely get killed the by the FN2000 only by the GL, especially in Karkand just walk around corner and bang.


                    • #11
                      Re: saving an unlock....

                      Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                      No more assault weapons? what about the HK or w.e in the EF, its really good and I'd choose that for my next unlock.
                      It has already been said many times there are NO new unlocks in EF, just a new army which can only be used on maps designed for that army. (Also, the EF assault weapon is the FAMAS; HK53 is specops, and yes it is nice.)


                      • #12
                        Re: saving an unlock....

                        Originally posted by jdrou
                        It has already been said many times there are NO new unlocks in EF, just a new army which can only be used on maps designed for that army. (Also, the EF assault weapon is the FAMAS; HK53 is specops, and yes it is nice.)
                        So you can't unlock these weapons to use in vanilla BF2 or SF? you can only use them in EF?


                        • #13
                          Re: saving an unlock....

                          I have no idea why people think the P90 is useless.
                          It's perfect for the class they put it in and it's not overpowering so that everyone would want to use it thus creating another imbalance.
                          I play AT class a lot more now and do just fine with the P90.
                          It just seems to me that all the complainers either expected it to be some uber unlock and were disappointed OR they just aren't using the weapon correctly.


                          • #14
                            Re: saving an unlock....

                            Originally posted by LoganX
                            I have no idea why people think the P90 is useless.
                            It's perfect for the class they put it in and it's not overpowering so that everyone would want to use it thus creating another imbalance.
                            I play AT class a lot more now and do just fine with the P90.
                            It just seems to me that all the complainers either expected it to be some uber unlock and were disappointed OR they just aren't using the weapon correctly.
                            Do you do just fine against the ub3r 1337z0r pwnz0r PKM?


                            • #15
                              Re: saving an unlock....

                              No...but no one does.
                              That's why you work like a team and let the assault classes or a sniper take out the PKM'ers for you.

                              That's not your Job.
                              You're job is to take out AT. The P90 is there to help you defend yourself. You're not supposed to be attacking.

                              you're statement just proves what I said about people using the weapon wrong.

