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Nerd Freak Attacks

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  • Nerd Freak Attacks

    Hey have you ever encountered a nerd attack? I want to share my story of mine.

    I was playing SF on Ghost town one febuary evening after doing a head gasket job on a 82 Camaro, Me and 2 friends all play together and put a TF! for a prefix (not a clan, just buds) So we are playing and my bud Simon wants the chopper so he goes and gets it I hop in too cause im having a beer, so before we take off MastaShake tks us both and takes it, Simon hates that **** so when he dies Simon kills him and were on our way. When we die hes waiting but instead of trying to get the chopper, he is a med and tks us and heal us, and our third friend who just wanted to watch. So this is annoying he has a minus 300 score and not banned, so I put "Hey admin can you get rid of this guy hes getting on my nerves, look at his score". But admin too busy owning (bud of mine too) so I just try to escape, but before I get revived again he comes into our squad and screams in the most high pitched voice I have heard(for a dude) " THATS MY FUKING CHOPPER YOU NOOB GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS SERVER BECAUSE THAT IS MINE!!!!" me and my buds all press "b" and laugh because it was funny as hell. He freaks out tells us where to shove it and leaves.

    If you have a funny story similar tell it I wanna know if theres more people like this

    BTW: he had a -340 score at the end

  • #2
    Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

    Does that shouting the dude done not remind you of that cloud song guy from that WOW ytmnd?

    But yeah, you get alot of fools in BF2 who just don't want anyone else to have ''their'' chopper, funny how they can call it their chopper, when A. its a public server everyone is entitled to use it and B. It wasn't his server so he has no say wheather its his or not.


    • #3
      Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

      So you're calling people who are tkers nerds?


      • #4
        Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

        Originally posted by -ChiCken
        So you're calling people who are tkers nerds?
        I think he means because the dude persisted in tking him, like made it his mission to keep tking.


        • #5
          Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

          Ya thats what I meant, not that he tk me alot of people do that. But if he has a freak attack over a chopper, he has issues


          • #6
            Re: Nerd Freak Attacks



            • #7
              Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

              Yeah...we're all nerds and we DO act funny when we have freak attacks :laugh"


              • #8
                Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                A new mod for Bf2: License plates on choppers .LOL


                • #9
                  Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                  i was playing sf too, might have been the same guy. But we (my clan and i)where capping a flag when some guy joined our squad and spawned in. He too was a medic. We were waiting, and we hear the sound of enemy artillery being fired. We make a run for it and next thing we know its coming down on us and and the medic guy starts voiping "AHHHH ARtillery RUN RUN ahhh, We're all going to die, jesus save us!" High pitched voice and he had 40 deaths and 1 kill. Maybe it was the same guy...


                  • #10
                    Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                    Freaked out over a Chopper...Damn idiot...


                    • #11
                      Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                      I had something of the sort happen to me.

                      I was commander and liek i normally do, i was camping in a back base issuing orders and using the assets to help my team out. As I'm sitting there, a guy comes up and TKs me. When i ask why he did that he said "you should be fighting n00b". Just to make sure, i check his rank and hes a lance corporal. I was thinking maybe he has another name thats a higher rank but when i mentioned it his defense was that he play CS more. Guess he was a n00b; a n00b that doesn't understand the job of a commander.


                      • #12
                        Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                        I had someone try to vote-kick me. I was commanding, forget the map, but I was on USMC, and just sat in the carrier in a Phalanx gun trying to keep the enemy planes off our planes and helicopters. I'd command and then check the skies, then Scan, UAV, etc etc. He starts calling me a stats-padder and a bad commander and, well everything short of Satan Himself. He started lying about me not using UAV or anything, and saying I'm dropping artillery strikes in the ocean.

                        I remember I pretty much just gave him a "STFU noob" and went on with my day.


                        • #13
                          Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                          i know this has to be this dude right here

                          i know this has been shown a lot lately but i still get a good kick out of it reading stories like this


                          • #14
                            Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                            Oh wow an 82 Camaro, you could think of a better car to work on than that sweetpea


                            • #15
                              Re: Nerd Freak Attacks

                     shold have told him "wow,just becuse we take the chopper wile you're mom brings you you're pink frilly pantys and mini skurts does not meen the chopper belongs to you"

                              Originally posted by [AE]LoneWolf
                              i was playing sf too, might have been the same guy. But we (my clan and i)where capping a flag when some guy joined our squad and spawned in. He too was a medic. We were waiting, and we hear the sound of enemy artillery being fired. We make a run for it and next thing we know its coming down on us and and the medic guy starts voiping "AHHHH ARtillery RUN RUN ahhh, We're all going to die, jesus save us!" High pitched voice and he had 40 deaths and 1 kill. Maybe it was the same guy...
                              hahahahah! will send to my friends who play bf2 and brother (plays bf2)

