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New Patch Pros and Cons?

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  • #16
    Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

    Originally posted by Scuddyboys
    pro.. no more c4 monkeys.

    con, cant jump and shoot, ...

    ..and if u say blah blah RL blah blah,
    .this game isnt realistic anyway, shoot someone once in the face with a handgun, do they die? no, in (RL) - Real Life) they would. in far less shots... and in Rl would you throw a claymore off a building and expect it to work? no.. and when you jump out the car why do you jump out of the door you aint at,
    Most people say realism but what it really boils down to and this is what I think people are actually getting at when talking about "in real life" the whole aesthetic aspect of a USMC soldier hopping around firing his weapon, the character models look like soldiers so their fighting methods should have some resemblance of how soldiers conduct themselves in a firefight, that's not catering to realism it's making the game more immersive by mimicking the nature of combat.


    • #17
      Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

      Originally posted by PlaneWhore

      true. People like it beacuse all you have to do is stay high and kill other air. lock/spam missles/person flares does rolls etc/hits/dead..helis are very easy.. doesnt really matter about being pro or not but this already been posted


      • #18
        Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

        Ok for me here's what i think is good and bad.

        Pros :-

        1) The weapon being made better i see less servers now nearly totaly populated by SF class players you get much more of a mix in game.

        2) No more dolphine diving

        3) FF being turned off on claymores and mines

        4) AA that actually works

        5) The noobcannon is no more at close range


        1) The bugs omfg the bugs the new patch braught to the game are ridiculas

        2) The missle count being droped on the attack helis it makes dog fights with other attack helis much harder. And as far as im aware there has NEVER been a post on any forum that i read asking for the missle count to be dropped wtf is that about.

        3) Im not to impressed on the activation range of the claymores the blast radius is ok and damage but claymores going of and killing me that im no were near is very annoying .


        • #19
          Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

          Here is my relatively short list of what I like and dislike about 1.2, and for the record, I consider something that should've been fixed and wasn't a "con".

          1. They removed that ridiculous dolphin diving jump prone rinse repeat ad naseum garbage.
          1. Turned every city map in to unlimited indestructable claymore hell.
          2. Nerfed helicopters so badly in the health and armor department that they are destroyed in less than one dime-a-dozen mounted MG overheat.
          3. Made AA missiles that never miss, so good infact that they can turn 180 degrees at 5000mph in 1 square foot of airspace. The same reason these missiles orbit around oil flames at ungodly speeds until they find a new target
          4. Missiles still like to randomly destroy and damage teammates.
          5. Turned the PKM in to a fully automatic sniper rifle.
          6. Unnessecarily nerfed jump-throwing supply bags, medic kits, ect.
          7. Failed to do anything about point-blank noob tubing, though with the PKM whores now at large I'd consider that balanced.
          8. Red name tag bug still exisits.
          9. AT missile now often completely fail to fire, or as in 1.12 pass right through the intended target, but even more often than in 1.12.
          10. Turned the BlackHawk minigun in to the biggest joke weapon ever. So bad you can be in a perfectly still hover, fire off rounds till it overheats, and still fail to kill a perfectly motionless soldier 100 feet away.
          Then, of course since I'm the "PlaneWhore" I need a seperate list for things that they did that negatively impacted the aviation experience:
          1. Made AA 100% guaranteed hit against airplanes no matter what is done outside of missile malfunctions and flares, taking pilot skill, reaction time, and technique of the equation
          2. Decided to randomly nerf plane armor among other things based on no evidence that it needed to be nerfed in the first place outside the rantings of a few isolted and jaded infantry whores whom believe that soldiers need to be just as powerful as vehicles. Statistics have proved that the average pilots holds a very reasonable 5:1-6:1 K/D ratio, and on the average a lower SCORE PER MINUTE than armor users, helicopter pilots, medics, Spec Ops, assault ect.... THIS IS FOR A VEHICLE THAT IS LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM HARDCAP OF TWO PER TEAM. Not to mention a nerf to killing on the only vehicle that can't get teamwork score, can't use infantry kits, can't insta-repair by sitting next to a buddy engineer or a supply crate, and can't capture flags.
          3. Failed to balance the J-10 with all of the other planes (even with me urging many times during 1.12 for them to do so), and now that first lock = win, made the J-10 an instant win plane in a dogfight
          4. Ruined dogfighting by taking out the skill element and replacing it by a number of random variables (plane choice, flare status, position, who sees who first, ect)
          5. Failed the fix SEVERAL major plane bugs/exploits including people walking in front of planes for TKs, GHOST vehicle boxes, TEAMMATES registering as enemy vehicles on the HUD, and a number of other very annoying and serious bugs that effect the performance and enjoyment of the game for aviators
          The best way I can sum up the total effect of the 1.2 patch is like this: DICE diluted the original concept of "powerful vehicles working together with not quite as powerful infantry" especially in regards to the core air vehicles, and if that wasn't short sighted enough DICE then went ahead and "newbified" many aspects of this game, making this game much more accessible to the casual player, but making the game much more shallow as a result.


          • #20
            Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

            Air baserape milking points out of the game no longer effective
            Hostile Airspace - more team based, team move forward = more freedom
            Good chopper pilots less likely to be taken out by planes
            Bad chopper pilots more likely to be taken out by planes
            Some maps are better, e.g. Oman
            J10 not as inbalanced as it was
            No waiting for plane for long as the noob has a go, dead in seconds.
            Dolphin dive fixed

            Dogfights take less skill
            No longer possible to truly win the air war
            Choppers nerfed too much (I don't even fly them) mostly from MG fire
            Blackhawk nerfed
            Game seems less stable for many users
            Didn't fix J10 balance (make US planes better)
            Claymore spam
            Some maps worse, e.g. Wake

            Overall good apart from the huge amount of bugs.


            • #21
              Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

              Originally posted by Scuddyboys
              jumping and shooting seperated the noobs from the pros

              this was from walking on the ground only , i may have gotten about 7 kills in a tank, but the rest was from on foot, as anti tank, and my targets where other foot soldiers mainly, and some armour,
              And yet your team still didn't win... sorry man, I just had to point that out.


              • #22
                Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                Originally posted by Scuddyboys
                in RL you could jump and throw a med pack,ammo,grenades, and claymores. easy..
                why not make it so that you cant jump and throw C4 and keep all other stuff open,
                Uh... No you cant.
                Well, Yes you can actually throw them... to almost no avail.

                You can throw a medpack... which would have no effect other than a bandage to stop bleeding

                You can throw ammo... Ok. you could throw ammo.

                Grenades. I am going out on a limb... but you've never thrown one? Have you. While not the heaviest thing in the world... they are not light and i would say 9 times out of 10 you stand a good chance of tearing your shoulder apart in throwing one like a baseball...

                Throw a claymore? Where do you get this? You need to set it, hook up the cables... run the line back to the clacker... and initiate it.

                So not really real in any sense.

                BUT it is a game..

                I simply wish people who want realism... really knew what realism was.
                Just enjoy the game. Learn the quirks and adapt.


                • #23
                  Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                  Originally posted by Robske007a
                  Pro: Flying became much more challenging for pro's
                  Con: every dam noob can left click in a AA station

                  If the AA is what's giving you trouble, you are no pro..

                  It's the A2A that is too strong IMO. Even though it works for me now more than against.. but those missles will go 90 degrees to get to a target.... and that is just fucked up.


                  • #24
                    Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                    pro: noobs can't just bomb any target and live
                    con: any person can take anything down by pressing twice with the aa


                    • #25
                      Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                      Con: Those stupid claymores. How high was/were the dev(s) who thought that non-TK claymores was a good idea? It ranks right up there with Trammel in the history of really bad ideas in online games. How about we have bullets that won't hurt your own team? Or artillery! Yeah! There's an idea! Non-TK artillery! Throw in an "I win button" as well while you're at it. Other FPS games I've played this kinda stuff would be deemed rather n00bish. In this one, it's developed.

                      The non-tk AT mines are just as bad BTW.

                      Pro: I'm not sure. I'd rather have the C4 tossers than these dumb mines / claymores. Well I guess the AA stuff is ok.


                      • #26
                        Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                        i still pwn anyway


                        • #27
                          Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                          anyone know how to stop the insanely long, verifying client data screen, it takes like 5 mins,


                          • #28
                            Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                            yo it is a dam game you babys stop whinning about stuipd stuff, last time I checked there is not ANY GAME made that is perfectly real Life based you idiots. That is kinda the reason they are called GAMES.....................

                            and oh ya the 5 mins loading time is becuase you need to get off your wal-mart special computer, your mommy bought you for your 10th birthday. Go spend about 5 grand on a gaming computer if you call yourself a profess. gamer, and you well not have that problem.

                            Snowman/Blackdog out


                            • #29
                              Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                              Try not to flame blackdog, and keep on subject. Anyways,
                              Pros: non TK claymores (i think EA/DICe assumes that you told your team where the tripwire is, and thats why they dont set it off.)
                              COns: The AA is messed up.


                              • #30
                                Re: New Patch Pros and Cons?

                                I am not flaming, just stating the points quickly, I do not waste a page saying what I think.

                                Snowman/blackdog out

