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Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

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  • Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

    I had posted this a long time ago on these forums, but there are alot of new faces around so I wanted to throw this out there again.

    I wrote the original guide for 1942 flight, and then adapted it for BF2. Before you ask, yes those are scanned pics from MS Flight Sim 2. You try drawing a stick figure jet and illustrating anything with it.

    My BF2 Flight Guide

    (posted this in the general forum, can a mod delete that one? sorry)

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

    nice guide! thx a lot


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

      Originally posted by oaKenfoLd
      I had posted this a long time ago on these forums, but there are alot of new faces around so I wanted to throw this out there again.

      I wrote the original guide for 1942 flight, and then adapted it for BF2. Before you ask, yes those are scanned pics from MS Flight Sim 2. You try drawing a stick figure jet and illustrating anything with it.

      My BF2 Flight Guide

      (posted this in the general forum, can a mod delete that one? sorry)

      I like your many times you answered the phone while playing BF2:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

        ime new to this thing
        anoyed that it keeps on saying that ime a privat.
        still atleast i know ime mutch better that that.

        sound advice, i dont use the jet mutch but i shal try and hopefully not get any laggs.


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

          Originally posted by ace4u
          I like your many times you answered the phone while playing BF2:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
          Gotta love teh tech support business lol.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

            I use a playstation 2 controller. Going to try a mouse instead.


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

              is it useful to use slow speed while flying???


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                how fast should be the medium speed while flying in bf2?i'm not the greatest pilot, but my big brother tells that all pro's fly slowly.


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                  well u might wanna edit ur guide. as manuevers dont do crap anymore.

                  also the last person.

                  how fast should be the medium speed while flying in bf2?i'm not the greatest pilot, but my big brother tells that all pro's fly slowly.
                  in most guides to flying they say NEVER slow down.

                  which is true. ive seen alot of pros and video made by pros. and they never ever slow down.

                  is it useful sometimes to do it? sure helicopters are hard to take out if ur going to fast. slowing down would be better obviously.


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                    The only time it was useful was when a jet was on your 6, and you used manuevers plus a cut in speed to allow him past you. I say "was" because back then, flares worked alot better and missiles alot worse, and their brief lock on didn't spell your doom. Now, that's exactly what it spells in that scenario.


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                      pretty good guide.


                      • #12
                        thx a lot(tänan-thanx)in estonia

                        =kha=oakenfold what servers to you play.I really want to fly against you


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                          I play on a bunch of servers, wherever the team is headed. We run Krackhouse servers, and you'll often find me on our 24/7 Euro Server

                          24/7 Euro - Krackhouse (

                          BTW, bump for the new pilots coming into the game.


                          • #14
                            Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                            Originally posted by oaKenfoLd
                            Gotta love teh tech support business lol.
                            I thought only non-technically-inclined-know-nothing-morons worked tech support. What company do you work for? All the ones I have dealt with are script reading morons. At least you work for a company that hires people who actually know something about computers. BTW: do you live in India?


                            • #15
                              Re: Battlefield 2 Flight/Manuever Guide

                              Originally posted by EZIK1EL
                              ime new to this thing
                              anoyed that it keeps on saying that ime a privat.
                              still atleast i know ime mutch better that that.

                              sound advice, i dont use the jet mutch but i shal try and hopefully not get any laggs.

                              to quote fzuazo:

                              EZIK1EL [teamkills] The English Language

