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missles going through vehicles + air

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  • missles going through vehicles + air

    I have noticing lately that some of my missles wether its jets, spraws, helicopters they miss! it happens alot with tanks and once it took me 5 spraws to get 1 tank down.

  • #2
    Re: missles going through vehicles + air

    Yes, that's been happening to me A LOT. And one weird thing I noticed is that I"ll fire a rocket at a tank, it will go through it... and I'll stare dumbfounded while I wait to reload another rocket, but it will never play the animation and I'll magically have another rocketalready reloaded as if the rocket that went through never shot off.


    • #3
      Re: missles going through vehicles + air

      Are you referring to the TVM from the choppers?

      I have shot at the Tubs and attacks numerous times to only have the DEAD ON TVM fly right through them...

      * side note...
      Noticed since the new patch that the jet air to air missles seem to "chase you" even after flares are deployed.. As if they are gonna take you after the flares run out... Sometimes they do and sometimes they dont....

      Love the patch... JHAHAHAHAHAHA


      • #4
        Re: missles going through vehicles + air

        Yea i got the same problem... I can shoot AT like 3 times without it hits the tank, i can see the trace from the rocket, but there is no rocket... and the funny thing is i don't have to reload after the rocket didn't hit, i just keep on having the rocket in the launcher and have the same amount of rockets after i shot... It was funny at the begining but now it is getting annoying.


        • #5
          Re: missles going through vehicles + air

          This problem seems to be affecting every second rocket for me now!


          • #6
            Re: missles going through vehicles + air

            EA will be addressing this problem in the upcoming patch, so just sit back and whine while they do something... Whiney,whinoo.... lol (who's lame)


            • #7
              Re: missles going through vehicles + air

              Originally posted by Spuddy
              This problem seems to be affecting every second rocket for me now!
              Ditto. This happens to me without fail.


              • #8
                Re: missles going through vehicles + air

                then update to 1.21

                seriously i get scared sometimes :|


                • #9
                  Re: missles going through vehicles + air

                  This was why I stopped using the AT and used the spec ops against the tank. I would fire once, twice and smoke or anything.

                  Does firing and dunking down or moving after you fire affect the rocket of the AT?

