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com dont get tk's why eng?

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  • com dont get tk's why eng?

    ok so they made it so commanders dont get punished for friendly artillary anymore fair enough i agree with it even though it can be abused i hardly see it done on purpose.

    so why do engineers get punished for tk's still i mean. 1. mines can now be blown up by grenades /cannon fire 2. arn't under the ground or hidden in any way except long grass and shallow water which makes up paths that vehicles actually go threw about 2%. i'd ask that mines either can be put under earth or magically dont blow up when your teamates drive over them. i dont think it would OP the class in any way i can see every class has some way of destroying mines blocking a path and all armor can destroy it with primary gun.

    if you disagree with this please say why and how this might be tweaked a little. i really wanna make dice notice this and take it into consideration.

  • #2
    Re: com dont get tk's why eng?

    From what I read in the 1.2 patch notes,mines will no longer be able to be taken out by other explosives. Also a server side option to turn off tk's for friendly mines will be available. Mines will probably still go off and kill friendlies, but at least you won't get punished for it or they might not hurt friendlies at all. We won't really know for sure until the patch comes out. All I know is that's it's being adressed in the patch.

