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Being Kicked for being disrespectful to [TEC] Wolf_holic

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  • Being Kicked for being disrespectful to [TEC] Wolf_holic

    I know I will get flamed but I have to write this.
    Today I joined a 24/7 Karkand server that runs 32 players , I think the clan that hosts it are 1DPGI.
    I am not really sure if that is right but anyways.
    I come into the round and am put on the MEC side where we have only one flag and we are getting smeared everywhere. After getting killed a few times I write that I do not like to play MEC side whether we are winning or losing.. Someone writes back and says we are getting owned because we do not have a commander.
    I really don't want to be commander but I step up and start commanding.
    We are still losing and I am doing everything I can to help when a mutiny is started by [TEC] Wolf_holic. It made me a little mad because no one was willing to command but they were willing to complain.
    I write and tell this guy I will resign if he wants to command. He says that there is someone better at commanding than me or him. I resign and tell him it is open..Guess what? We have no commander now and no one stands up to fill the position. I guess they would rather have no commander. Of course we lost.
    Next round we are moved to USMC side. I head straight for the gatehouse and I capture the gatehouse. I write and tell Wolf_holic that it is his turn to show me what kind of commander he is. He says that he has nothing to prove and I say that he does. I say k bigmouth it is your turn to command. He tells me to shut it. I tell him that I am waiting for a supply drop....still waiting..... He won't fill the position. Next thing I know I get kicked for one minute for being disrespectful. I guess this guy is friends with the clan because I see him in the same squad before I get kicked.
    <br>I look this guy up 45306053 and to my surprise he doesn't have impressive stats at all. He has been playing for 857 hours.. He has 9 gold stars 16 silver stars and 21 bronze stars. He has 1899 points for commander and he has been commander for 20 hours. He has 1444 wins and 1845 losses with a global score of 33438.<br>&nbsp;He should just keep his mouth closed&nbsp; and play the game.

  • #2
    Re: Being Kicked for being disrespectful to [TEC] Wolf_holic

    Sorry you posted this in the wrong forum, what you need to do is post in the TEC forum. We cannot help you here.

