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What are your favorite maps?

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  • What are your favorite maps?

    Which maps do you like to play the most and would like to see in rotation on a very well admined server?

  • #2
    Re: What are your favorite maps?

    though it seems to be a cliche answer, karkland still tends to be my favorite map, along with peninsula and wake


    • #3
      Re: What are your favorite maps?

      Yea where's wake I love that map and have started to play it almost excusively now.


      • #4
        Re: What are your favorite maps?

        I don't get it. I hate wake. personal opinion tough
        do you know a server with this mapcycle: gulf/kubra/mash/kark


        • #5
          Re: What are your favorite maps?

          Originally posted by Robske007a
          I don't get it. I hate wake. personal opinion tough
          do you know a server with this mapcycle: gulf/kubra/mash/kark


          • #6
            Re: What are your favorite maps?

            Any maps that dont involve jets.

            Just too frustrating to play with them. Nothing I can do to shoot them, and I just keep randomly dying from them. Might was well just play russian roulette.


            • #7
              Re: What are your favorite maps?

              As it stands now dragon valley is my favourite map but when the armoured fury booster comes out it could be replaced by Operation Road Rage.

              "Operation Road Rage" sees all-out tank warfare on the freeways of America.
              Muahahaha muahahahaha now that sounds like the kind of map i want to play :evil: .


              • #8
                Re: What are your favorite maps?

                personally I am a big warlord fan, but since it isn't an option, karkand is it (no damb air rape-age)


                • #9
                  Re: What are your favorite maps?

                  Karkand and Sharqi for me. And when it comes to jet fighting, Wake Island can't be beaten!


                  • #10
                    Re: What are your favorite maps?

                    You forgot to include Wake.


                    • #11
                      Re: What are your favorite maps?

                      Love Sharqi, the 64-player version of Karkand (creates an "Eastern Karkand" and provides good medium or even long range engagements), Dragon Valley and I still like Cleansweep, although jet rapage there gets too much often.

                      Wake would be on my favorite list, but isn't, because any time the pilots on one team are better, that team wins way too easily, moreso than on other maps.


                      • #12
                        Re: What are your favorite maps?

                        Sharqi owns when not whored by choppers or tanks and Songhua stalemate rocks too.


                        • #13
                          Re: What are your favorite maps?

                          Wake Island???


                          • #14
                            Re: What are your favorite maps?

                            Mashtuur city and Sharqi are the best, all other maps including karkand are way too overpowered by armour/air


                            • #15
                              Re: What are your favorite maps?

                              Sharqi and Clean Sweep are the best!
                              Zatar is also good but the problem is that most servers do not play it these days because of that spawn bug. (you have to select the spawn point with the tail of the mouse pointer instead of the tip of the pointer!)

