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game stutter

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  • game stutter

    Ok im getting this weird new problem that only just started to happen in last week or so. Every 5 - 10mins my game stutters like its in slow motion this lasts for about 1min then it sorts itself out an goes back to normal. But then it happens again an over an over. I've tried everything uninstalled re installed via the add remove, updating punkbuster, got all the newest drivers, defragged, ran all anti virus,anti spyware checkers found nothing. so dont know what the hell is going on!!!!!!

    MY specs are

    AMD Athlon 64 3400+
    Win XP Pro
    Geforce 6800
    1GIG DDR 3200
    Realtek ac97 audio

    If anyone can help or has same prob plz help.

  • #2
    Re: game stutter

    Are your fans set to throttle when you're idle? Could be a problem with heat. GPU/CPU clocking down until temp reaches normal values, then everything is back to normal.
    Could also be some other bottleneck.

    Edit, only since the last week you say?

    Same issue here - Punkbuster maybe? Try on servers without PB, or check if it still happens in singleplayer...


    • #3
      Re: game stutter

      I think it is NOT you
      but servers
      we have same problem with all in our clan
      w try other servers - no problem
      reset ours - no problem
      then wammmm
      all have lag
      must be EA or Punkbuster
      comes and goes for past month


      • #4
        Re: game stutter

        Thanks for confirming mate
        Good to know I'm not the only one with this problem.


        • #5
          Re: game stutter

          Friend has the same problem, I thought it was to do with the RAM/Gfx card.


          • #6
            Re: game stutter

            Originally posted by TopGunGreg
            I think it is NOT you
            but servers
            we have same problem with all in our clan
            w try other servers - no problem
            reset ours - no problem
            then wammmm
            all have lag
            must be EA or Punkbuster
            comes and goes for past month

            i've got this prob : low framerates and stuttering in a server one evening, next day perfect framerates, no stuttering and even more ppl in the server... is this also punkbuster ??


            • #7
              Re: game stutter

              I opened a support ticket at, and got a pretty quick reply

              I was asked what Antivirus software I'm using. So I uninstalled Nod32 completely (usually disabled it during gameplay). And there was an improvement.
              I was also told to leave pb_sleep 20, with following reason:
              Try pb_sleep 20, by speeding up PB, you will likely increase FPS. See, PB still does the same amount of scanning in the same time period. sleep 500 just means it does it in bigger clumps. This was originally designed for 98 and other poor multi-tasking OS's. XP, especially a P4 with HT would benifit from pb running faster, but doing less. You will get at least a more even FPS.
              I thought that disabling antivirus software would be enough, but appearently NOD32 still interferes with PB even when disabled.


              • #8
                Re: game stutter

                sorry to bump a day old thread. But i fixed my stutter. First thing i did was go see if it was doing it in single player mode. It wasnt. So i thought it must pb screwing the game up like you guys said, so i completly un-installed norton internet security now it runs fine. woooooo


                • #9
                  Re: game stutter

                  i'll have to try that.... i haven't been able to play the game in a week, when i enter the game it won't quit the stutter. i have pretty much the same exact system as you, except a 256mb radeon 9600


                  • #10
                    Re: game stutter

                    Jupp, keep us posted if you had any luck improving performance

                    Today I removed my CPU, and applied new thermal paste. WOW! CPU Got about 7C lower at now steady 29C
                    Will test under heavy load with BF2 tonight and see if there is any improvement.


                    • #11
                      Re: game stutter

                      deleted norton and re-installed.......... still getting jerky, broken up gameplay.

                      what gives/?? it has worked fine for me with the same system setup since september.. now all of a sudden, it doesn't work.

                      amd athlon 64 3400+
                      1 gb 3200 ram
                      256 AGP radeon 9600
                      80 gb harddrive (and about 65 free)

                      can't see why it's doing this... in single player it runs perfect.
                      i know it's not my connectoin.


                      • #12
                        Re: game stutter

                        deleted norton and re-installed.......... still getting jerky, broken up gameplay.
                        Do you mean that you tried playing with norton completely uninstalled? Because the way I understand it is that you uninstalled then reinstalled and then played BF2 again, or am I wrong? Not sure...
                        Uninstall norton, and play BF2 without Norton. That's what I meant

                        I know that SP runs perfect, it could probably be something interfering with PB. Most likely AV software.


                        • #13
                          Re: game stutter

                          well, i re-installed norton and ran it w/ norton running... game stuttered

                          just disabled norton and closed every program down, and ran it again... and it was still choppy.

                          game settings are at medium.
                          there's no reason to go any lower, because i've played them at medium with no glitches whatsoever for the past 5 months before these past two weeks have made the game unplayable.

