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Final map score

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  • Final map score

    hi guy's , have aquestion here , at the end of eache pam when it sais " 2x points for win" is it just the comander that wins the points or the entire team ?

  • #2
    Re: Final map score

    Just the commander. He gets the average team score, which is doubled if his team wins the round.


    • #3
      Re: Final map score

      Did you see your score doubled also? No? Well put 2 and 2 together.


      • #4
        Re: Final map score

        no reason to be a SA .


        • #5
          Re: Final map score

          Originally posted by cardew1975
          no reason to be a SA .

          Really, god forbid someone has a question....

          Way to promote the totalbf2 community there govedob, im sure they appreciate it.


          • #6
            Re: Final map score

            Oh I thought it was the whole team who benefited from x2 score


            • #7
              Re: Final map score

              You know if they made it possible for the entire team to get a 2x bonus for winning, there would be incentive to win the round, instead of just stat padding.Plus it may also put an end to the team switching.


              • #8
                Re: Final map score

                True true .


                • #9
                  Re: Final map score

                  First I hardly ever check my score during a game...I am to busy trying to do the things to help my side win. So I have wondered when my side won if that 2 X for the win did apply to all winning solders. So I appreciate the forum to find out for sure.

                  It's a shame that there are people like govedab who think that they have all the answers and make comments the way they do as if they are smarter than all the rest of us. What he doesnt realize is that his comments actually show how insecure he is as a person.

                  Hope to see you on the battle field govedab...on the opposing side


                  • #10
                    Re: Final map score

                    Cardew...I owe you lunch We'll go to Houstons


                    • #11
                      Re: Final map score

                      Originally posted by -=AudigyXi=-
                      You know if they made it possible for the entire team to get a 2x bonus for winning, there would be incentive to win the round....Plus it may also put an end to the team switching.
                      Are you kidding? team switching would get worse.


                      • #12
                        Re: Final map score

                        Originally posted by BlueMaxox
                        First I hardly ever check my score during a game...I am to busy trying to do the things to help my side win. So I have wondered when my side won if that 2 X for the win did apply to all winning solders. So I appreciate the forum to find out for sure.

                        It's a shame that there are people like govedab who think that they have all the answers and make comments the way they do as if they are smarter than all the rest of us. What he doesnt realize is that his comments actually show how insecure he is as a person.

                        Hope to see you on the battle field govedab...on the opposing side
                        I hope to see you in a battle also bluemaxox so I can teach you a lesson. BTW you have almost 20,000 points and you still don't know how to fly?


                        • #13
                          Re: Final map score

                          ill be looking for you too vlade .


                          • #14
                            Re: Final map score

                            Originally posted by govedob
                            I hope to see you in a battle also bluemaxox so I can teach you a lesson. BTW you have almost 20,000 points and you still don't know how to fly?
                            vlade....and notice I didnt put the GEN in front because I can tell by your stats that you are no general. However I can also tell that you are one of the helicopter and jet whores. It is easy to learn to fly the helicopter and jets.....actually I have a 12 year old that is damn good at both. I choose not to go there as you can tell through my stats cause simply it's a waste of my time waiting in hangers or helo pads with four or 5 other guys to get the dang things....and also having to deal with one of you whores TKing us so you can fly.

                            My 12 year old got me into this game about 2 months ago and yes it can be quite addictive and in 2 months I have amassed almost 20,000 points....and yes I have been killed a lot. dont lose points for being killed so I take a lot of chances. After all it's a game. However...I see vlade....that you are in aircraft almost 55% of the time and most of your kills have come from those aircraft.

                            So what are you going to teach me vlade??????? How to hog an aircraft??? How to whore with an aircraft???? How to tk your team mates?????
                            Come on vlade...grab your best ground soldier weapon and come looking for me

                            By the need to look closer at my states in comparrison to yours son


                            • #15
                              Re: Final map score

                              3 words ur an idiot

