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um is this a hack or what...

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  • um is this a hack or what...

    so, i was playing in a ranked server and a new round had just started and no one had even managed a kill yet, except for a teamkill i assume for a plane or something. the odd thing is a message pops up www@bf2 was promoted rank to master sergeant. but he hadn't killed anyone it had his name next to tw0 peoples name. but the brackets were empty nothing was in them like scar-l, etc.

  • #2
    Re: um is this a hack or what...

    A kill isn't required for a rank up, any point will do. Infact, it was most likely that teamkill you noted. Tk the guy, revive him, BAM - point.


    • #3
      Re: um is this a hack or what...

      he could have reviced the one who was TK


      • #4
        Re: um is this a hack or what...

        Looks like someone killed someone as the ticket count was down to 294 on the one side and 299 on the other. 64 player maps start with at least 300 tickets right?


        • #5
          Re: um is this a hack or what...

          somehow u r wrong - tickets start at 300 and 330.

