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Minor account/in-game name Change possible

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  • Minor account/in-game name Change possible

    We all know the problem about not being able to change your account name/in-game name. Whilst many of us wish this will be possible in a future patch, it is however possible to make a minor change.

    What we discovered is that the names are not case sensitive. So it is possible to change a capital letter to lower case and vice versa. Whilst this may not be the solution people are looking for to make a bigger change, I thought I would share with the community that this minor change is possible.

    A member of ours, <<R2>>Punisher, when he made is account he got the tags slighty wrong he had it with a lower case r instead of an upper case R. So all our members were in uniform we wanted him to fix it so the tags were correct and he didn't have to start all over again.

    The way to make this type of change is to locate the account profile you want to change. They can be found in My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\001 where 001 is the profile you want to change. To figure out if its the one you want to change open up the profile folder,then open the profile.con file. Check to make sure its the right profile.

    When you find the right profile, edit the profile.con This is what you should see for example using the example of our above member.

    LocalProfile.setName "<<r2>>Punisher"
    LocalProfile.setNick "<<r2>>Punisher"
    LocalProfile.setGamespyNick "<<r2>>Punisher"

    Now as I said he had the tag wrong so he changed the r to R. Do it for all of these 3 lines, so then it obviously looks like this.

    LocalProfile.setName "<<R2>>Punisher"
    LocalProfile.setNick "<<R2>>Punisher"
    LocalProfile.setGamespyNick "<<R2>>Punisher"

    Then save the file. There is no need to go and change your gamespy name as I said it doesn't seem to be case sensitive. There is no need to re-retrieve the name for the same reason.

    When you start the game up you should see the change in the log in. Select it as normal. It will display the changed name in-game also. This has been thoroughly tested.

    As I said its only a minor change but in his case this was all that was necessary for him to have the correct tags. If you try and do anything other than make upper/lower case changes, it will come up with an error "unique nick is incorrect."

    This may help some people who want to make a minor change like the above example.

    We can only hope that in a future patch full name changes will be possibly.

  • #2
    Re: Minor account/in-game name Change possible

    Excellent work Capt, im sure many users will find this useful. However I do wish there would be an account verification system as many accounts are empty and unused, taking up names for people who could have used them


    • #3
      Re: Minor account/in-game name Change possible

      Originally posted by Sir. Shpox
      Excellent work Capt, im sure many users will find this useful. However I do wish there would be an account verification system as many accounts are empty and unused, taking up names for people who could have used them
      No kidding. I looked up the name "Blade" and found out that the account was created in June of 2005 and never played. Not even 1 minute.

      So now we have to deal with idiotic things like "Blade34891" or "Voodooman2005" & "Voodooman2006". (Sorry Voodooman 05' & 06' if you're reading this but those names really suck)

      Curious as to what KickPhucking is? Come and join me on a server sometime and I'll demonstrate .

      No one loves you. Die.


      • #4
        Re: Minor account/in-game name Change possible

        I have to use this when I created this account, silly my didn't realize caps lock was on.
        I originally was trying to just change my old account, but it proved useful none the less. Good tip for people that may need it.

