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Server Rentals

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  • Server Rentals

    Myself and some friends are about to rent our own server for a 3 month period and have a couple of places in mind.

    I was just wondering if any of you guys actully have experience on renting servers and have any tips or advice on where to rent from and your experiences while renting servers.

    Anyone recommend a good host offering good decent servers in the UK or the West of America?


  • #2
    Re: Server Rentals

    Ranked or Unranked?

    Personally, I would go for an unranked, as you can do what you please on it, run custom maps AND have other MODs.

    I currently rent a 20 man server from for £30, and this includes a 20 man TeamSpeak. They are really friendly, and are willing to help you out.

    If you do go for them, mention my name (D Lusted)


    • #3
      Re: Server Rentals

      Cheers mate, I certainbly will. I'm looking at ranked servers though.

      It doesn't say they are ranked there and judging from the prices I don't think they are. I'll be looking into it in a bit more depth later on though. Thanks again.


      • #4
        Re: Server Rentals

        If you're looking for a Ranked server, then try GAME2XS. I used to deal with them when I was in a clan not long ago.

        About £50 for a 16/20 Man Server, if I remember rightly


        • #5
          Re: Server Rentals

          That's one on my list actually although Im leaning more to the servers at the minute


          • #6
            Re: Server Rentals

            /\ Anyone else?


            • #7
              Re: Server Rentals

              Used 30man server for 6 months last year after game launch, very good service & easy to use Clanforge system for running server but VERY expensive imho, we stopped renting it a while ago, there's plenty of other well admined servers out there that other people pay for so we use those now.

              Good luck.


              • #8
                Re: Server Rentals

                Good points but we are fed up of constant 'tards spoiling the experience so we are getting our own that we can control.

                Don't get me wrong, There are plenty of good lads out there on BF2 but there always the element being asshats.

