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New words on the patch...

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  • New words on the patch...

    read it here:

    patch still takes some time...but rest sounds good

    Community Bulletin – January 18, 2006

    Hello everyone.

    By now, you have all seen the list of fixes in the next update (1.2). We are still trying to nail down a few final items and put the final touches in place.

    Here is a list of additional items to look for in version 1.2:

    - UAVs are now visible in the world so if you are being scanned, you can know about it and take action against it.
    - Rank progression is no longer limited to the enlisted ranks. All officer ranks are now available.
    - Bug that allowed players in vehicles to contest a flag from outside the flag radius is now fixed.

    I’d also like to take this opportunity to clarify some confusion stemming from our updates.

    The first item is on the topic of grenades. Player will still be able to toss grenades while jumping. Although the ability to fire while jumping has been removed, players will still be able to initiate a grenade toss prior to jumping and follow through with the toss, thereby gaining themselves some extra distance. We understand that there will be some adjustment in tactics required when the patch comes out but we are confident that the community will quickly come to grips with the new tactics.

    The second item is on the topic of the booster packs. We have not created the maps as a separate expansion pack requiring a separate server. The booster packs will increase the content of the base game and thereby may be run on a server in regular rotation with the original maps.

    Hope that clears up some of questions you’ve all been asking.

    The Battlefield Team

  • #2
    Re: New words on the patch...

    Can't wait


    • #3
      Re: New words on the patch...

      Hmm you can add the booster packs to the main map rotation, interesting indeed. Though it will no doubt boot people off the server who don't have the booster packs unless the maps are made available to download.


      • #4
        Re: New words on the patch...

        Cool and thanks for the link.


        • #5
          Re: New words on the patch...

          Originally posted by <<R2>>Capt.HKS
          Hmm you can add the booster packs to the main map rotation, interesting indeed. Though it will no doubt boot people off the server who don't have the booster packs unless the maps are made available to download.
          indeed, it would have to boot you or they would have to make the addon free to download as you wouldnt have the extra vehicles etc. cant see how a tank driver could be in a different tank to his gunner.
          I dont think thats entirely fair, will enough servers risk alienating there regulars to make it worthwhile?


          • #6
            Re: New words on the patch...

            I believe that changes should be made for the sake of realism and to prevent cheating. However, changes should not be made simply to "balance" things out. I do believe that the paper-scissors-rock system of BF2 makes the game quite enjoyable, but I do not believe the game should detract from reality too much to achieve this.

            Have the game followed reality, many problems would have been fixed:

            1) AA missiles would actually work. In reality, AA missiles have cruising speeds of MACH 3, that is around three times faster than an airplanes top speed of MACH 1.3 (with after burners). AA missiles are also more maneuverable than airplanes and are also more agile. Additionally, they do not need to actually impact the airplane since they are fitted with a proximity fuse that detonates the explosive warhead at a distance from the airplane. AA missiles also have tracking systems that detect friendlies and force the missile to explode should it lock to a freindly aircraft. The only way to defeat a missile would be chaff and flares. As you see, you wouldn't have to reduce airplane's hit points or force them to land if you made the AA missiles behave realistically. AA missiles are EXTREMELY effective... that is why we invented stealth airplanes (besides... the F-22 is one of the least detectable airplanes in the world and also one of the most agile, with a cruising speed of more than MACH 1.5... but I will let that slip for now)

            2) Most projectiles, including full metal jacketed small-arms rounds, will penetrate solid objects. You cannot have one weapon or vehicle be able to penetrate these object without having the other weapons do the same.

            3) 30mm grenades are really powerful and are actually designed to defeat INFANTRY and lightly armored vehicles. It is a very powerful explosive and requires the shooter to aim at distant targets to prevent "fraticide" or to kill himself. Keeping the explosion powerful would prevent the abuse of the M203 launcher while keeping the effect of the weapon intact. The arming time should be enough.

            4) Airplanes are fragile by nature. Attack helicopters are not. These helicopters are design to defeat tanks and vehicles and are designed to take alot of punishment. The game should reflect this fact by having helicopters be more resilient than airplanes or to make airplanes have realistic hit points.

            5) The accuracy of some weapons, rates of fire and damage of the rounds should also be revised by using publicly available data on the weapons. You cannot complain about the accuracy of the AK-47 because the real weapon is actually inaccurate! Besides, the soviet round is more powerful than the NATO rounds. A .50 caliber round would pierce a kevlar helmet with ease.... it makes no sense to have snipers fitted with a M95 have to shoot twice to kill someone. Even the AK-47 rounds would penetrate body armor!

            6) Disparity of forces is a reality in this world. We allow forces to be pretty much equal for the sake of fun, but marked differences should exist between armies as to force playes to utilize different tactics to suit national doctrines. Variety is the spice of life!

            7) How come soldiers carrying an average of 60 pounds worth of equipment cannot run more than twenty feet before getting tired, but can jump as many times as they want with no penalty? This should be revised. This would have also helped with "bunny hopping" without changing the game's mechanics.

            8) An apache helicopter can only carry 8 Hellfire missiles in two clusters of four missiles each. However, they carry around 15-30 conventional rockets on the round launchers. This should have been reflected in the game from the beginning.

            I could go on for a couple of more minutes, but as you can see, many of the problems that plague BF2 come from the fact of an unrealistic aproach to the battlefield. More time should have been spent researching the effect or the weapons prior developing the game.

            No one can complain about how reality works. We complain when reality has been randomly change by artificial "balances"


            • #7
              Re: New words on the patch...

              I forgot.... mines contain an explosive inside!

              If they are exposed to fire or another explosion.... they will explode!

              Keep realism for the sake of realism... don't change things becuase of whiners.

              For every change you make.... you must make three more!


              • #8
                Re: New words on the patch...

                I hope that includes med/supply packs and the grapple hook. I still wish they would allow c4 to be tossed but just extend the delay before you can blow it up just a bit.


                • #9
                  Re: New words on the patch...

                  [quote=gurkha_warrior]I believe that changes should be made for the sake of realism and to prevent cheating. However, changes should not be made simply to "balance" things out. I do believe that the paper-scissors-rock system of BF2 makes the game quite enjoyable, but I do not believe the game should detract from reality too much to achieve this.

                  Have the game followed reality, many problems would have been fixed:

                  1) AA missiles would actually work. In reality, AA missiles have cruising speeds of MACH 3, that is around three times faster than an airplanes top speed of MACH 1.3 (with after burners). AA missiles are also more maneuverable than airplanes and are also more agile. Additionally, they do not need to actually impact the airplane since they are fitted with a proximity fuse that detonates the explosive warhead at a distance from the airplane. AA missiles also have tracking systems that detect friendlies and force the missile to explode should it lock to a freindly aircraft. The only way to defeat a missile would be chaff and flares. As you see, you wouldn't have to reduce airplane's hit points or force them to land if you made the AA missiles behave realistically. AA missiles are EXTREMELY effective... that is why we invented stealth airplanes (besides... the F-22 is one of the least detectable airplanes in the world and also one of the most agile, with a cruising speed of more than MACH 1.5... but I will let that slip for now)

                  When afterburner is on, most modern fighter can go on to Mach 2.0

                  2) Most projectiles, including full metal jacketed small-arms rounds, will penetrate solid objects. You cannot have one weapon or vehicle be able to penetrate these object without having the other weapons do the same.

                  depends on the round

                  3) 30mm grenades are really powerful and are actually designed to defeat INFANTRY and lightly armored vehicles. It is a very powerful explosive and requires the shooter to aim at distant targets to prevent "fraticide" or to kill himself. Keeping the explosion powerful would prevent the abuse of the M203 launcher while keeping the effect of the weapon intact. The arming time should be enough.

                  M203 is 40mm, not 30mm.

                  4) Airplanes are fragile by nature. Attack helicopters are not. These helicopters are design to defeat tanks and vehicles and are designed to take alot of punishment. The game should reflect this fact by having helicopters be more resilient than airplanes or to make airplanes have realistic hit points.

                  5) The accuracy of some weapons, rates of fire and damage of the rounds should also be revised by using publicly available data on the weapons. You cannot complain about the accuracy of the AK-47 because the real weapon is actually inaccurate! Besides, the soviet round is more powerful than the NATO rounds. A .50 caliber round would pierce a kevlar helmet with ease.... it makes no sense to have snipers fitted with a M95 have to shoot twice to kill someone. Even the AK-47 rounds would penetrate body armor!

                  6) Disparity of forces is a reality in this world. We allow forces to be pretty much equal for the sake of fun, but marked differences should exist between armies as to force playes to utilize different tactics to suit national doctrines. Variety is the spice of life!

                  sure, it is a reality, but BF2 occurs in 2010. suit to national doctrines? if you think the doctrine of PLA is mass attack with low tech units, you are wrong. Type 98, for all I know, is superior than M1 or T90, this should have been reflected in game.

                  7) How come soldiers carrying an average of 60 pounds worth of equipment cannot run more than twenty feet before getting tired, but can jump as many times as they want with no penalty? This should be revised. This would have also helped with "bunny hopping" without changing the game's mechanics.

                  8) An apache helicopter can only carry 8 Hellfire missiles in two clusters of four missiles each. However, they carry around 15-30 conventional rockets on the round launchers. This should have been reflected in the game from the beginning.

                  I could go on for a couple of more minutes, but as you can see, many of the problems that plague BF2 come from the fact of an unrealistic aproach to the battlefield. More time should have been spent researching the effect or the weapons prior developing the game.

                  No one can complain about how reality works. We complain when reality has been randomly change by artificial "balances


                  • #10
                    Re: New words on the patch...

                    YES! Officer ranks now available!! They actually listened to us! Thanks EA!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: New words on the patch...

                      Rank progression is no longer limited to the enlisted ranks. All officer ranks are now available.

                      I dont get what that means could some one enlighten me please


                      • #12
                        Re: New words on the patch...

                        Sounds good- please put it out---want to watch the bunnyhoppers drown in the dolphin diver's tears


                        • #13
                          Re: New words on the patch...

                          Originally posted by menace-uk-
                          Rank progression is no longer limited to the enlisted ranks. All officer ranks are now available.
                          I dont get what that means could some one enlighten me please
                          it basically means that before - you could only be the non-officer ranks, like Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, etc, now you can be Officers like Lieutenants, Captains or Brigadiers.

                          Although when you gain an officer rank you should be offered the unlock of "Desk".


                          • #14
                            Re: New words on the patch...

                            Originally posted by satanbzb
                            indeed, it would have to boot you or they would have to make the addon free to download as you wouldnt have the extra vehicles etc. cant see how a tank driver could be in a different tank to his gunner.
                            I dont think thats entirely fair, will enough servers risk alienating there regulars to make it worthwhile?
                            I am sure that there will be indications that the server is running maps on the booster pack - like a blue 2 as some have suggested.

                            It will not however allow you to download content if you don't have it just to stay on the server. This would make buying the add-on pointless.

                            If you really like the server you play on - you will have to buy it if they do.

                            If your clan runs a server, then your clan decided whether or not to upgrade.

                            This is not forcing anyone to do anything - there will still be servers out there without them I am sure. Otherwise, you will just have to sit out for a map or 2 and join back up....and then listen to the stories of the previous maps and how fun they were and what you were missing out on :P


                            • #15
                              Re: New words on the patch...

                              sounds realy good.

                              Though im wondering if all of the new unlocks with the booster- will be available on any server and or map?

