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Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

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  • Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

    Originally posted by me [BF:A] Croupier from the Battlefield Apocalypse Mod at:

    Ok lets get started shall we.....

    1. Navigate to Levels/your_custom_map or BF2 map if thats what your working on.
    2. Open up the
    3. Add the red text to your run commands like so.
    run ClientArchives.con
    run Heightdata.con
    run Terrain.con BF2Editor
    run StaticObjects.con BF2Editor
    run Sounds.con
    run Sky.con BF2Editor
    run Editor/GamePlayObjects.con host
    Undergrowth.load Levels\Strike_at_Karkand\
    run Overgrowth/Overgrowth.con
    Overgrowth.editorEnable 1
    run AmbientObjects.con BF2Editor
    run Water.con


    run ClientArchives.con
    run Heightdata.con
    run Terrain.con v_arg2
    run Sky.con v_arg2
    run CompiledRoads.con
    run Sounds.con
    run tmp.con v_arg1
    Undergrowth.load Levels\Strike_at_Karkand\
    run Overgrowth/Overgrowth.con
    run Overgrowth/OvergrowthCollision.con
    run AmbientObjects.con
    run Water.con

    You should now see where were getting at.

    4. Goto EA GAMES/Battlefield 2/Mods/bf2 and copy the ClientArchives.con uncheck read only in the file properties and add it to your_maps/

    5. Open the that you just added and in notepad ammend it to look like this.
    fileManager.mountArchive Levels/your_map/ Objects
    fileManager.mountArchive Objects
    fileManager.mountArchive Common
    fileManager.mountArchive Menu
    fileManager.mountArchive Fonts
    fileManager.mountArchive Shaders

    6. You are now going to copy the entire BF2 from mods/BF2 into Levels/Your_Map (Don't worry we are going to be deleting everything except the folder structure and the texture/s that you are going to customise, stay with me on this)

    7. Now depending on what you want to give a custom skin will determine which folder/s textures you keep in the for the purpose of this exercise I changed the US soldier skin, this will probably be the most popular thing to be customised anyway.

    8. Delete everything in the .zip except soldiers/Us/Textures/us_3p_heavy_c and US_3p_Light_C (we will only be changing the 3rd person textures)

    9. Open the textures in Photoshop and work your magic, save as DXT 1. Keep the same name but add a _BFA (underscore BFA is my custom texture suffix, you can add whatever you like as long as you have the _ ) So my texture name looks like this: us_3p_heavy_c_BFA

    10. Open up Levels/your_map/ delete the original BF2 textures and add your newly repainted and renamed US 3p textures.

    Nearly done now folks.

    11. Open up Levels/your_map/ and change the custom texture suffix, remeber mine is BFA yours may be whatever you want. Mine looks like this:
    if v_arg1 == BF2Editor
    LevelSettings.CustomTextureSuffix "BFA"
    texturemanager.customTextureSuffix "BFA"

    Congardulations your done. Load up the map jump in a vehicle and change the camera angle so you can see your nice new 3p custom textures added to your map.

    Note: You will need to uncheck the read only properties of the maps Init.con if working on a stock BF2 map. This will work best with bundledMesh's as they dont use the texture layers but should work with statics however will require more work on the textures unless you just want to change the detail, havent tested it though and I dont know if the custom texture suffix will work with them, someone confirm please.

  • #2
    Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

    very good, but obviously this can be used for mod only yea?
    Wish they would make it so u could use it normally.


    • #3
      Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

      Negative no mod required, you are modding your map my friend. Everything is contained in the your map folder. Custom stuff runs from your map, the rest from the bf2 archives. Also works in Single Player. Custom Static Object textures are also possible and with this technique you can also easily add custom effects and animations, Although you would need to add them via .con editing. You can easilly add weapon and vehicle tweaks to your map also. I repeat this it not a mod it is a modded map, everything custom runs from your map.


      • #4
        Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

        w00t thats just what i was looking for so now i can put custom textures in my map. Cheers!


        • #5
          Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

          I made this quick skin as detailed in ur tutorial

          tested sp & locally worked fine

          but in MP crapped on about Modified content again.

          I used the Gulf of Oman map as well.


          • #6
            Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

            Nice isnt it.


            • #7
              Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

              Yea its the best croupier ive been busy skinning the Cobra and played it in my custom map


              • #8
                Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                Ouch no alpha channel = too shiny

                Nice tutorial, german translation here:


                • #9
                  Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                  Wicked sweet


                  • #10
                    Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                    Originally posted by Croupier
                    Negative no mod required, you are modding your map my friend. Everything is contained in the your map folder. Custom stuff runs from your map, the rest from the bf2 archives. Also works in Single Player. Custom Static Object textures are also possible and with this technique you can also easily add custom effects and animations, Although you would need to add them via .con editing. You can easilly add weapon and vehicle tweaks to your map also. I repeat this it not a mod it is a modded map, everything custom runs from your map.
                    Excellent work Croupier

                    A question though with regards to getting vehicle tweaks in.

                    I have tried your method of rebuilding the directory structure for my buggy tweaks in my file but the server will not see them and loads the default ones instead?
                    I have all my skins in and working via my but this other one will not work...

                    Any ideas?



                    • #11
                      Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                      Still need help on this one guys....

                      I have done some more work to get this too work.

                      Looking at the Euro Forces maps which have just what I am trying to do.

                      Inside these EF maps we see a GTSDATA folder. Inside this folder is positioning info {I THink} for all the vehicles in the map.

                      Anyone have any ideas?

                      Is this the only way to get .con and tweak files loaded at a map level?



                      • #12
                        Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                        Hey thank you this is really handy


                        • #13
                          Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                          Originally posted by DogmanSlayer
                          Excellent work Croupier

                          A question though with regards to getting vehicle tweaks in.

                          I have tried your method of rebuilding the directory structure for my buggy tweaks in my file but the server will not see them and loads the default ones instead?
                          I have all my skins in and working via my but this other one will not work...

                          Any ideas?

                          Yeah you have to add it as a custom vehicle, same name means default BF2 load, It's pretty easy, basically name the vehicle to something else but leave the mesh names alone.

                          All your modding help is at BF2 editor forums, I never visit this site anymore so if you need help visit there.


                          • #14
                            Re: Custom Skins in your map Tutorial

                            Thanks Croupier

                            Visit it often

