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Longest Pistol Shot

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  • Longest Pistol Shot

    Well, we've had a "Longest GL Kill" thread, so I thought why not a longest pistol kill? Just state your longest killing shot with a pistol.

    I can't decide between two of mine. For the first one, I was up by the MEC arty on Mashtuur (on the hill by the Hotel cp). I could barely see down to the hotel for all the dust but I saw a vague shape moving around with an AT rocket. Knowing that my standard gun would be no use, I switched to pistol and began to snipe. The first three went wide, but the forth and fifth caught him. He ran around for a while, then stopped to look around. I emptied my clip on him so about two or three more hit him and he went down.

    The second was a few days ago. I was sniping on... oh, this is embarrasing. I've forgotten the map name. It's the one where the MEC starts off with three CP, and the US has a whole bunch along with a TV tower and the construction zone.

    Anyway, I was on the building across the street from the Hotel CP, sniping with my L85. I see someone by the ladder of the construction zone. I fire once, hit him, and he begins jumping around like a looney. He gets on the ladder and climbs to the 2nd story while shot him again while he was on the ladder, but had to reload so he made it. I waste five shots trying to hit that little part of him that I can still see, but the platform edge kept getting in the way. So, rather than waste more L85 ammo, I whip out the pistol, take careful aim and fire off six shots. The sixth one hits him dead on, kills him, and he falls off the ledge.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's hear yours.

  • #2
    Re: Longest Pistol Shot

    Took out a sniper at sharqi in the crane with two shots from the construction site! lucky shot i guess!


    • #3
      Re: Longest Pistol Shot

      on karkand, i was nearly by the first mec flag, and i could see someone donw the street with the 2nd mec flag, 10 shots and he was down (was going for pistol badge)


      • #4
        Re: Longest Pistol Shot

        saw the shadow and name of someone on the fog in sharki, shot once and got him (to be with only one shot i bet the guy was alredy in low health)


        • #5
          Re: Longest Pistol Shot

          Can't remember speficic times but I've sniped a lot of people from far away with a pistol. It's just so accurate.


          • #6
            Re: Longest Pistol Shot

            I shot into the air on one end of the map, ran all the way into the enemy base, all the enemies running behind me in one line, screaming bloody murder. At the end of the map, my bullet I had fired earlier came flying, hitting all the enemy team through their heads (they were all walking in a line, remember), wiping out the entire enemy team of 32 people, and I was swiftly named bestest pistol long range marksman ever.


            • #7
              Re: Longest Pistol Shot

              Dragon Valley 64. Was defending the Northernmost "island" flag with the temple around it, firing at BH's coming over the mountain from the docks and tanks coming along the road from our Right (towards their carrier / docks / etc).

              Took out an apc coming along the right-hand side road - he was on the south side of the water (heading to the helo spawn). And in typical fashion, before the APC blew he jumped out. I pulled up the pistol and bagged him 2 times for the kill -- dont know the distance, but he was a spec on my monitor

