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Problem with Bf2.

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  • Problem with Bf2.

    I was jsut trying to join the R2 clan server. (Heard alot of good things from it.) Anyways I got into the game to where u select ur spawnpoint and kit but i couldnt move my mouse or press enter or console or escape or anything. All I could do was ctr+alt+delte to shut bf2 down. I rejoined to make sure it wasnt a fluke chance but it happened again. So I thought maybe there was a problem with the server but everyone else was playing and all I could do is look at the map and kit selection nothing else. I than joined another server and it happened again. Although ealrier today it was fine. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: Problem with Bf2.

    Use the support forum for tech questions please. It just keeps the place lookng tidy

    You need to boot up BF2, and set your controls to their default settings.
    This will fix your problem.

