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Black screen of cantplay-deathness

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  • Black screen of cantplay-deathness

    ive been playin bf2 for 2 months now... and just now when i go on to click a server to join it shuts down... i dunno why i tried running it like 5 times now.. same thing over and over... i rebooted my comp.. same thing. wtf is this?

  • #2
    Re: Black screen of cantplay-deathness

    Few things to try:

    1) Run a spyware/Virus scan.
    2) Use MSconfig to clear your startup completly.
    3) Press Ctrl Alt Delete to clear any open processes
    4) If you're over clocked, bring your hardware down to its default settings
    5) Update Chipset, Video drivers, and Flash the BIOS
    6)Uninstall and reinstall BF2
    7) Format and reinstall Windows

    Instructions for most of these steps can be found in the link in my signature, or just PM me for help if you need it.

    **EDIT** Btw if you go to and click on "Support" There will be people there who are more willing to help you.

