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Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

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  • Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

    Hi, Ive searched on these and lots of other forums about information using a joystick instead of the W,A,S and D keys in Battlerecorder.

    Does anyone know how I can do this, or perhaps another way to achieve nice slow sliding camera movements.

    I heard somewhere (maybe here) that using the c_PICameraY and c_PICameraX variables in a .con file could work - but I have already unsuccessfully attempted this.

    Have also tried using that program that maps joystick movements to keyboard functions, and while this kind of works, it still wont let you move the camera slowly (as soon as you move the joystick to the side the camera moves at full speed).

    I need to get it so that if I move the joystick only slightly, then the camera rolls along slowly, but as I apply more pressure the camera will pick up speed. Surely this is possible....

  • #2
    Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

    Well, u should be able to set the speed of the camera.
    So if u could make a bind command like :

    set_cameraspeed 0.1
    pause 1
    set_cameraspeed 0.2
    pause 1
    set_cameraspeed 0.3
    pause 1
    set_cameraspeed 0.4
    pause 1
    set_cameraspeed 0.5
    pause 1

    Or something like that


    • #3
      Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

      WASD keys move fine and smooth as it is, it would be better to replace the mouse with the Joystick.


      • #4
        Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

        Ooh, lovely ... A chance to revive my old thread re: Smooth Camera Movement:

        Shacknasty, what program did you use for controlling the camera with a joystick? In the thread above, I mentioned Joy2Mouse3 and that program definitely allows for speed variations. As in, the further you push the joystick, the faster the camera movement and the more subtle the joystick movement, the slower the camera will go.

        Smiley_ie achieved particularly good results in his movie, "Let's Fly," so I'd say he is better qualified to answer this question than I am.


        • #5
          Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

          Hi John-Paul,

          I found your thread earlier in the week and considered reviving it, but decided it would be more beneficial to start a new one.

          The application I was using was definantly Joy2Mouse3 but maybe I had it configured incorrectly. I might give it another try tonight when I get home.

          How exactly can I get it set up like that?

          And NeoRicen - yeah, the keys move it fine and smooth, but not slowly... eg using the WASD keys you cant roll a camera along next to someone as they are walking as it just shoots off too fast.

          Thanks for the replies



          • #6
            Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

            Shift key makes the camera move slower, also hodl Q and change the speed to a slower speed to match the speed of the person to the speed of the camera. I think someone sprinting at 25% matches the speed of the camera when shift is held. I THINK.


            • #7
              Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

              Great, I didnt know about the Shift key thing!

              Changing the speed slower however, would have the opposite effect, would it not? Since the camera is still moving at the same speed, but the game is in slow motion.

              I have tried doing the opposite of that, eg set the speed to 300 - but im sure you can imagine the issues surrounding doing that

              Thanks again for all your help, I will give it all a try later if I get time...

              For a *very* short clip of the video I was working on before I lost all the raw footage, check (10mb, 1 min).

              The only decent parts are the first few shots during the intro of the song (Refused - New Noise) - im sure I dont need to tell you all how bad it looks when using the chase cam :P None of the shots were finished because it was basically just a test run, but it was nice way to test out Battlerecorder... Im also looking foward to doing another one now that I have some inspiration from all the other great videos around



              • #8
                Re: Using a Joystick with Battlerecorder

                I used the joystick thing, its rather difficult at first but it gives a good pan effect!

