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double unlock? o.O

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  • double unlock? o.O

    everytime when i get a rank i get a new gun or w/e right? so i can unlock a gun... now if i have bf2:special forces will i be able to get another gun which i can use in bf2?

    is that why is super uber becasue he has both of them... so each rank that he gets allows him to unlock 2 a guns? or wtf is the deal wiff that
    and he has like every single one... wtfs with that

    thx, sistermom

  • #2
    Re: double unlock? o.O

    I dunno wats up with that soo kick it old school and relax like go get it on ur bax
    oooooo i can rap yall


    • #3
      Re: double unlock? o.O

      u lost me...


      • #4
        Re: double unlock? o.O

        No i kick it in my bath like a artist making a giraffe


        • #5
          Re: double unlock? o.O

          sure man... i need some answers


          • #6
            Re: double unlock? o.O

            Claydough, drugs are not your friend. Or maybe they are and you've forgotten about them?
            Either way... WTF are you on??

            Sistermom (odd name, btw), yes you get a second unlock for every rank above sargeant if you have SF. Those unlocks don't make you uber-anything tho. Mostly, they are well balanced and reliable options. Ok... some kick a little more arse, but meh.

            Blazin has an uber high score because he's good at what he does and plays a LOT!


            • #7
              Re: double unlock? o.O

              sweet... guns over sergeant? damn im a staff sergeant anywho thats cool.. sistermom is a name my friend made lol randomly when i was on the sign up page i went to the washroom and my friend kinda finished it for me lol. thx man

              will it does make u uber :P... better guns = more acc. more acc= more killing morekilling = ... lotsa points .... lotsa points = new ranks... new ranks = i dunno it just makes u look good


              • #8
                Re: double unlock? o.O

                lol Claydough...
                You get one unlock based on your rank yes, and an additional on based on your Currect rank after you have installed SF. Try using the search button sistermom, this topic has been covered a lot since the SF release.
                Blazin is not uber because he has the unlocks, it is for other reasons. The unlocks have nothing to do with his l337ness


                • #9
                  Re: double unlock? o.O

                  Everyone above 50000 that has SF has all the "Uber lee7 h4x0r pwnz z00mg" unlock.


                  • #10
                    Re: double unlock? o.O

                    unlocked weapons dont make you better, you can have a great weapon, but if you suck, so does your new gun, lol.

                    all of the old default weapons are great, besides the MP5. they said in the patch they were tweaking the accuracy.....but my grandfather says "you cant polish a turd".


                    • #11
                      Re: double unlock? o.O

                      I got a triple unlock once O_o


                      • #12
                        Re: double unlock? o.O

                        well thx


                        • #13
                          Re: double unlock? o.O

                          the guys at the top of the league are only uber for two reasons:

                          a) they obviously have no jobs or family or life if they can spend ~8hours a day playing
                          b) they are very very sad and lonely

                          and if either of those statements are false, then so are the stats.

