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Squad play

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  • Squad play

    why is it that is almost damn near impossible to find a server where people use the best feature of the game: squads. i spend hours looking for a server where i can be commanded by a squad leader to "lay down covering fire", or to "take the rooftops" i really dont have much fun in the game when everyone is just meandeiring around and doing their own thing also it seams that no one ever talks to each other. if anyone knows of any good servers where squad play is actualy used plese let me know the ip i would love to join a squad and lay down that covering fire!

  • #2
    Re: Squad play

    i often find 1 or 2 squads in a 24/7 kark that are good and use VOIP and stick with them...

    people dont actually like to do that kuz it duznt give them points....greedy BF 2 pla yers


    • #3
      Re: Squad play

      what do you mean it doesent give them points. are you saying that you cant work on your rank, and stats when your in a squad. If so thats rediqulous no wonder no one is in squads. if EA made a feature then they should back it up.


      • #4
        Re: Squad play

        no no...not at all... I LOVE SQUAD PLAY!! it can often cause you to get more points because your more effective as a saying people dont use tactics like cover fire because it doesnt actually give them any points to fire to pin someone down unless you are in a good squad


        • #5
          Re: Squad play

          I find it's more of chance than the actual server. Yesterday we had great squad games where the people in the squad stuck together. I was the SL and mentioned at the end of one round that it was one of the best squads I had been a part of.

          If you want, use and search for cwv_ under player name. If you see cwv_8t88 or cwv_Odedge on a server, come join us. We aren't a clan, just a few friends who play the game together.

          We are always in a squad. The more people we have, the more our squad can kick some butt.


          • #6
            Re: Squad play

            I was in the same situation as you!

            Then I found these guys!
            They are hardcore about squadplay!
            When you join their server ( ip they make you join a squad. Every squad has VOIP, awesome squad leaders and commanders.

            This is the best solution for your problem, only thing is its not ranked. But I love to play here often to just have squad play fun! ("get in the rooftops style")


            • #7
              Re: Squad play

              damn that one ur talking about elite sounds good but i really love playing on ranked servers. odedge that sounds good too do u guys have xfire or teamspeak?


              • #8
                Re: Squad play

                trust me its real good. Its a dream come true for me


                • #9
                  Re: Squad play

                  try playing on joining the server from raging rebels. A lot of them use VOIP there and they work great in a squad.

                  And if ure not ofter points join tactical gamer, they force u to join squads because if u don't u get kicked whit in a minute


                  • #10
                    Re: Squad play

                    like i said it sounds great but i wanna play ranked


                    • #11
                      Re: Squad play

                      raging rebels is ranked


                      • #12
                        Re: Squad play

                        do u know the ip? :edit: nevermind i found it


                        • #13
                          Re: Squad play

                          Originally posted by w0ggie
                          damn that one ur talking about elite sounds good but i really love playing on ranked servers. odedge that sounds good too do u guys have xfire or teamspeak?
                          We don't use xfire. We do have a small Teamspeak server (10 slots) where we meet to find games. We are actually on it right now. Just find us in game and if you like the way we play, we can give you our TS ip. We will be playing tonight shortly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Squad play

                            Quite frankly squads mean sht, i remember even in Counter strike that squad play was possible despite its lone-wolf theme. Ive joined squads all the time, does anyone issue commands, work with eachother or actually have no more than 20 metres distance apart.
                            What im trying to get at is, even if your in a squad, it doesnt equal team work by default, eople still go their own ways.
                            The only way i think they can counter this having a squad leader distance limit say 500m, limit goes if leader is dead or squad member is in vehicle/aircraft.

                            It comes down to willingness, will they follow orders, will they even stay near you! I have a mic and allways talk to my squad(Still works even if their not English, they get the message)
                            A commander can relay TOTAL enemy positions to all in team, its basicly ghosting but LEGAL

                            This is actually a problem, the game isnt being used properly, its being wasted... EA shoud have included a squad work FAQ or some thing on that basis. I did it for SWAT4, well it wasnt a faq, just instuctions/procedures in text in the .ini as chat.


                            • #15
                              Re: Squad play

                              if you want to do teamwork, try to find a squad with a few guys with the same clan tag, where one of them is the squad leader and spawn off him. Usually they will stick together, and if you go as an aspect they dont have (usually support or AT) they will more than welcome you.

                              Other than that, find a squad with a leader with a clantag, and just spawn off him and stick with him. usually they can recognise a team player and will often stick with you, especially if you are a medic/support/AT. If they use voicechat is especially good.

                              Also, always ask a squad if they are on voicechat. usually someone will reply, and you can organise a little teamup.

