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Latest patch update....

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  • Latest patch update....

    Cant be long now

  • #2
    Re: Latest patch update....

    Yes, testing has been initiated. If you go to the BF2RS forum, you can see the category title for the testing forums, though you won't be able to access them.

    Not long until the release (hopefully), =D



    • #3
      Re: Latest patch update....



      • #4
        Re: Latest patch update....

        yay! finally


        • #5
          Re: Latest patch update....

          So, based on previous amount of testing EA has done we should have the patch in just a few more minutes? :laugh:

          Maybe we'll get purple friendlies in this one .. kinda halfway between red and blue.

          Sorry ... just had to.


          • #6
            Re: Latest patch update....

            Are you kidding? I thought the patch was in testing since before the new year?! That is the impression Armando gave in the last interview I read where he said something along the lines of "all changes/additions/fixes have been decided upon and finalised for testing." Also, he said we may have a changelog to look at, around the new year period, which hasn't transpired.

            It could still be weeks in testing, personally, I hope it is. Then we may get a really good, thoroughly tested patch.


            • #7
              Re: Latest patch update....

              The patch is first coded and created based on a list of things that need to be changed. Things are sent to professional game testers to test around, and they reply with what they think needs to be changed, added, or tweaked. This is done several times, until they are mostly happy with the patch.

              The patch is then released to EA trusted partners (such as PlanetCombat and BF2RS) for an additional level of testing.



              • #8
                Re: Latest patch update....

       that means we're close?


                • #9
                  Re: Latest patch update....

                  And what is it exactly? It was deleted.


                  • #10
                    Re: Latest patch update....

                    This is definitely a huge step closer to a public official release.



                    • #11
                      Re: Latest patch update....

                      Yay.. hopefult its soonish.


                      • #12
                        Re: Latest patch update....

                        Originally posted by SaladFork
                        The patch is first coded and created based on a list of things that need to be changed. Things are sent to professional game testers to test around, and they reply with what they think needs to be changed, added, or tweaked. This is done several times, until they are mostly happy with the patch.

                        The patch is then released to EA trusted partners (such as PlanetCombat and BF2RS) for an additional level of testing.

                        Ah, fair enough. Good to hear, I hope the different stages of testing benefit the patch in the end. From what I've read, this patch is shaping up to be the best so far.


                        • #13
                          Re: Latest patch update....

                          Ya might wanna not get your hopes too high. Just because it's being tested doesn't mean that release is right around the corner. Proper testing should go on for at least a week, then revisions are made, and testing begins again. There's simply no way to know if it's gonna pass the testing phase during any given cycle or how many cycles it might go through.

                          I'm still guessing that we'll likely see something 'round the end of the month.


                          • #14
                            Re: Latest patch update....

                            yeah well done EA, now go and make a patch to fix the problem that this patch will bring along...

                            and go find new ways of ripping us off...


                            • #15
                              Re: Latest patch update....

                              Going by previous patches i'm suprised they get tested at all. These arn't going to be the same professional game testers that left in all the problems with previous patches are they ?

