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Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

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  • Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

    I'm guessing no, but i just wanted to be sure

  • #2
    Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

    No, the only servers that can be ranked are those that only play official EA maps.


    • #3
      Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

      But iirc there was an approach to an alternative Battlefield 2 ranking system. I just can't find it right now..


      • #4
        Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

        ABR info-



        • #5
          Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

          Double Post there Gungho - I get the same problem too now.

          Also, just so you know, any normal BF2 server that runs a custom map cannot be officially ranked.

          I wonder how well this new ranking system works? i'd like to see it in action.
          But i doubt many mods will use it as it means more weapons to make (unlocks) and more work, and many mods want to move away from the over-competitive BF2.

          EDIT: I double posted too! Argh!


          • #6
            Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

            Originally posted by Sir. Fullforce
            I wonder how well this new ranking system works? i'd like to see it in action.
            But i doubt many mods will use it as it means more weapons to make (unlocks) and more work, and many mods want to move away from the over-competitive BF2.
            Well, you don't HAVE to have unlocks to have stats. I think the main purposes are just to compare yourself to others and track your own progress. They'll probably get a lot more people playing the mods if they have stat-tracking, even if it doesn't add to their EA stats.


            • #7
              Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

              Originally posted by Sir. Fullforce
              Double Post there Gungho - I get the same problem too now.

              Originally posted by Sir. Fullforce
              EDIT: I double posted too! Argh!


              • #8
                Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

                EA did give out one mod the permission to make a ranked server i remeber reading about this the other day cause it has unlockable ranks but i believe they also stated that they didnt want anyone else to be able to do it so ya i might have the link around here somewhere.


                • #9
                  Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

                  Originally posted by BOBC@
                  EA did give out one mod the permission to make a ranked server i remeber reading about this the other day cause it has unlockable ranks but i believe they also stated that they didnt want anyone else to be able to do it so ya i might have the link around here somewhere.
                  It's not a ranked server; mods can have their own stats and rank system which is not the same as being a "ranked server". Playing on the mod server will not affect your EA stats.


                  • #10
                    Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

                    thank you thats actually what i was thinking at the time just not typing at the time. ya its like it wont hurt your stats over at EA but it will do something for the mod i just found the link to it ( looks kind of fun actually cant wait to jump into the planes and fly around a lil while. finnaly i can do realistic stunts and small films with older planes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Noob question...are any mod servers ranked?

                      yes AFAIK tht ranking system has nothing to do with EA... but seriously does anyone STILL care about ranks? i'd say if your over 50k and are not in a clan you are LAME lol having good group games and scrims are far more important IMO... in any case if a mod has its own ranking system then i think tht would be BETTER - give every1 a fresh start... new unlocks (if possible) etc etc... personally an idea tht struck me was for mods to make unlocks available when you hit a certain ingame score... every1 starts with basic weapons at beginning of game... could be cool... in bf2's case you would really perk up when tht first G3 started chugging away... might be an easier way to do it rather than tracking every1's global scores

