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unmodified content

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  • unmodified content

    Yes, I have searched and yes, i have re-patching but this is different.

    Mine ONLY says Players with unmodified content only yadayada on a server when Wake Island is playing, Whats up with that?

    I've repatched with version 1.03, and the latest 1.12 and Still, it does it, I havn't changed anything apart from my prefix thing and Localization Files and on both of those tutorialy things it says that it wont effect the game, and it hasn't as the problems where before I changed that.

    So what is teh problem =[

    Also, what is the kill IAR for knife vet? I got 7 in a round but no badge.


  • #2
    Re: unmodified content

    i am having this problem too with SF.. regular bf2 works fine.. i have absolutly NO modded content.. i used a weapon unlocker b4 i got sf, but i uninstalled it, and am still able to play bf2 fine.. could someone please help? i'm kinda pved that i bought this expantion pack and cant play it..


    • #3
      Re: unmodified content

      A pain I know all too well, I can't play BF2: SF due to this stupid bug which EA are too lazy to fix. I can play normal BF2 but every now and then it won't even let me play that . I hav re-installed BF2 and BF2:SF so many times now it has lost all meaning....well almost.

      Come on EA..........


      • #4
        Re: unmodified content

        ok i figured it out.. i patched to 1.12 B4 i installed SF.. when you install SF it patches back to 1.1. if you repatch to 1.12 it'll work fine.. along those lines, is a progress bar to much to ask for with the patch? i thought the patch gliched or something it took so long to get finished..

