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50. cal guns are powerful!

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  • 50. cal guns are powerful!

    I'm not sure if anyone else has picked up on this, but the 50 cal guns on top of jeeps/dune buggies/tanks do massive damage to aircraft just like the M95 which is also a 50. cal. Each hit can take off atleast one bar of health. Although the rate of fire sucks balls, you can take down stationary aircraft with ease with any of these guns. So the next time you're riding gunner in a jeep/tank, make sure you shoot your gun at any incoming aircraft!

    The alternate fire machine gun on the main gun of the tank also does massive damage to aircraft. A few nights ago I was flying an attack chopper and my health kept going down bar by bar. I thought a jet was shooting at me till I turned around and sure enough it was a tank shooting it's alternate fire machine gun on me. It killed me before I could fire my missles . Powerful ****.

  • #2
    Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

    Yeah those 50s are good. Play Chinese at Wake and drive up to the tips of the island and you can take out the US boats pretty fast.


    • #3
      Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

      yes well a .50 caliber bullet looks like this:

      powerful in game and powerful in real life.


      • #4
        Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

        Originally posted by vm2092
        yes well a .50 caliber bullet looks like this:

        powerful in game and powerful in real life.
        Agreed I would have burned BF2 if they didn't do some good damage.Why did you post a laser? lol


        • #5
          Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

          Originally posted by vm2092
          yes well a .50 caliber bullet looks like this:

          powerful in game and powerful in real life.
          I've seen them before. Impressive cartridge. I'd love to see how powerful the real deal is.(not on me of course)


          • #6
            Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

            Most enjoyable thing with this gus is to shoot down the helicopters, you need exectly 20 sec to shoot it down


            • #7
              Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

              Originally posted by bitvomit
              I've seen them before. Impressive cartridge. I'd love to see how powerful the real deal is.(not on me of course)
              Buy one or go to a shooting range that has one.


              • #8
                Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                Originally posted by bitvomit
                I've seen them before. Impressive cartridge. I'd love to see how powerful the real deal is.(not on me of course)
                eh i do have a pic on the internet which shows the damage to a human but it's too gorey to display here.


                • #9
                  Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                  Originally posted by vm2092
                  eh i do have a pic on the internet which shows the damage to a human but it's too gorey to display here.
                  I know which sites you are talking about . I've seen a certain site post pictures of a poor guy in iraq that tried to rush a checkpoint in his car. He was put down by some massive 50. cal bullets through the windshield. The damage was to his head was just horrendous. However, I would like to see the effects in person on objects, deer etc.

                  Originally posted by AviationOrdnance
                  Buy one or go to a shooting range that has one.
                  Can you really rent guns from a shooting range? someone told me that you can try whatever even machine guns. Apparently there is a law that allows companies to own these kinds of weapons.


                  • #10
                    Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                    Originally posted by ISHII[IL]
                    Most enjoyable thing with this gus is to shoot down the helicopters, you need exectly 20 sec to shoot it down
                    although if the helicopter has full health and isnt taking any other fire, your 50 cal will overheat before you can get those last few bars off and that chopper will take cover under a hill or behind trees.


                    • #11
                      Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                      Originally posted by ISHII[IL]
                      Most enjoyable thing with this gus is to shoot down the helicopters, you need exectly 20 sec to shoot it down
                      Yep. It takes awhile but it is powerful and will get the pilot to know he's in a dangerous situation. Best of all, most people don't even suspect it's the lone guy sitting on top of his crappy jeep.


                      • #12
                        Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                        Originally posted by vm2092
                        although if the helicopter has full health and isnt taking any other fire, your 50 cal will overheat before you can get those last few bars off and that chopper will take cover under a hill or behind trees.
                        That's why you should be AT and hop out of the jeep with your rockets ready


                        • #13
                          Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                          Originally posted by bitvomit

                          Can you really rent guns from a shooting range? someone told me that you can try whatever even machine guns. Apparently there is a law that allows companies to own these kinds of weapons.
                          Depends what state your in, not every shooting range has machinegun.


                          • #14
                            Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                            two .50 cals working together will tear the helis to shyza. Always check the cooling bar.


                            • #15
                              Re: 50. cal guns are powerful!

                              Originally posted by vm2092
                              although if the helicopter has full health and isnt taking any other fire, your 50 cal will overheat before you can get those last few bars off and that chopper will take cover under a hill or behind trees.
                              so you need to shoot half heat cannon and then let it to cool down and shoot second time till is dead

