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Patch ranks...

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  • Patch ranks...

    I've heard that there will be new ranks in the game, because in the file that shows rank icons it goas up to colonel or sometihn like that, but i was wondering if they ould be added? i tihnk there should be more ranks personally and i know most of you probably dont but whatever...anybody even tihnk this will be in el patcho?

  • #2
    Re: Patch ranks...

    who knows but it would be nice.


    • #3
      Re: Patch ranks...

      I think the current ranks are fine, wouldn't mind new ones.


      • #4
        Re: Patch ranks...

        Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
        who knows but it would be nice.
        Well, it wouldn't matter for people like me, who arn't hardcore like blazin or the other second lieutenants out there. They're just crazy, the like point whore all the time. I don't think we need more ranks, then it just makes hardcore BF2 gamerz waste a ton more hours of their precious life getting to that ultimate rank lol.


        • #5
          Re: Patch ranks...

          ya...bLaZiN.uK and the other guys who have gotten 2nd Lieutenant need something to work for!


          • #6
            Re: Patch ranks...

            i know what u mean there eddy it seem like it took forever to go from 8,000 to 20,000 for the next rank and its gonna seem like eternity to get to 50,000 which is probably why i dont play it as much since i made it to 20,000.


            • #7
              Re: Patch ranks...

              I hope that they make the gap between Gunnery Sgt and First Sgt a little smaller...I only have 13,000 points and would really like to unlock the MP7.


              • #8
                Re: Patch ranks...

                Let me get 1st Lt.


                • #9
                  Re: Patch ranks...

                  Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
                  i know what u mean there eddy it seem like it took forever to go from 8,000 to 20,000 for the next rank and its gonna seem like eternity to get to 50,000 which is probably why i dont play it as much since i made it to 20,000.
                  Ya, i'm only at 10000 points on my journey to master sgt/first sgt, i don't play much though, considering i've only gotten 2000 points since late november lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: Patch ranks...

                    but i guess it is a feeling of accomplishment whne u do reach it and the first sgt rank does make a person stick out more when u go to the tab screen.


                    • #11
                      Re: Patch ranks...

                      Its would be nice if they had more ranks but it really doesnt matter that much all of the people that are 2nd lieutenants have no life LOL

                      I mean getting 200,000 points you have to play eveyday and get at least 2000-5000 point everytime.

                      I played with Sgt_maxpower and the only thing he does is shoot teargas all over or throw flashbangs.

                      How the hell can you get 200,000 points by doing that.

                      They should make it like
                      100,000 points to get 2nd lieutenants
                      1st lieutenants like at 125,000
                      Captin at 150,000
                      and so on..........


                      • #12
                        Re: Patch ranks...

                        max power's SPM suks compared to the other guys tough. he just spends tons of time playing bf2.

