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A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

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  • A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

    One of my goals was to achieve an acceptable K/D ratio with every kit, and last night's gameplay (though REALLY frustrating at times) finally bumped my Anti-Tank to 2.01, completing the circle.

    I'm not trying to brag because it's obviously not that huge a deal, but I wanted to share it with the people here who might be able to appreciate the work.

    Full stats
    (Note the low aviator, armor, and helicopter time)

    My next goal is to get all of my weapon ratios positive, which means getting 4 unanswered kills with the AT SMG (God help me) and about 40 unanswered kills with the Defib - which is going to be really tough. I'd also like to hit 1,000 road kills with the jeeps.

    Anyone else set unique goals for themselves, or have any to suggest for the rest of us?

  • #2
    Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

    A nice accomplishment :]] I thought of doing that last goal of yours, but nah :P My goal instead is to get a global KD ratio of 4, but I'm not that good obviously :S KD ratio of the sniper rifle to 3 and the accuracy of it to antything above 51%.


    • #3
      Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

      I'm just workin on my Knife KD. Up to 2.76.
      I expect it to get hurt when I seriously go after my expert badge, but I';; try ta keep in nice 'n clean.

      Beyond that, I really don't care 'bout my stats much.


      • #4
        Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

        then theres me i want a global KD ratio of 0.5


        • #5
          Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

          Originally posted by ||ass||variable
          My next goal is to get all of my weapon ratios positive, which means getting 4 unanswered kills with the AT SMG (God help me)
          You could have unlocked the MP7, but noooooo.

          I'll be grateful to have a global KDR of 2.00.


          • #6
            Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

            Originally posted by 2000sDigitalBoy
            You could have unlocked the MP7, but noooooo.

            I'll be grateful to have a global KDR of 2.00.
            I have the MP7 - but the pump shotguns are way better.


            • #7
              Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

              Since this is being discussed:

              I don't bother much with goals. I just try to steadily increase my SPM, K/D ratio, and win/loss ratio. If you look at my stats in you'd see I'm accomplishing that quite well (the chart for each is a pretty steady climb). Win:loss is a bit rocky, but no huge dips.


              • #8
                Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit


                I say "good job". You have a solid K/D ratio on all of your kits and it's not because you are a vehicle whore. You have good K/D ratios on the weapons the kit uses. Granted, you play Karkand a lot, you don't seem to be whoring it up on the tank, unlike this guy:


                As far as I go, I would like the following:

                At least a 100 of each gold, silver, bronze medals.

                More wins than loses in all maps.

                A 100 points in all maps.

                With any other stat, I would like to improve for the sake of improving, not to compare it with some one else.


                • #9
                  Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                  Originally posted by cwv_Odedge

                  I say "good job". You have a solid K/D ratio on all of your kits and it's not because you are a vehicle whore. You have good K/D ratios on the weapons the kit uses. Granted, you play Karkand a lot, you don't seem to be whoring it up on the tank, unlike this guy:


                  As far as I go, I would like the following:

                  At least a 100 of each gold, silver, bronze medals.

                  More wins than loses in all maps.

                  A 100 points in all maps.

                  With any other stat, I would like to improve for the sake of improving, not to compare it with some one else.

                  That guy throws c4 and tank whores, and is horrible as infantry. lol


                  • #10
                    Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                    try and get a positive ratio with assault and carbines, never gonna happen though (i suck at infantry)


                    • #11
                      Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                      Originally posted by cwv_Odedge

                      I say "good job". You have a solid K/D ratio on all of your kits and it's not because you are a vehicle whore. You have good K/D ratios on the weapons the kit uses. Granted, you play Karkand a lot, you don't seem to be whoring it up on the tank, unlike this guy:


                      As far as I go, I would like the following:

                      At least a 100 of each gold, silver, bronze medals.

                      More wins than loses in all maps.

                      A 100 points in all maps.

                      With any other stat, I would like to improve for the sake of improving, not to compare it with some one else.
                      As soon as DICE releases another map where I don't have to use crappy AA to deal with excellent aircraft, I'll play something other than Karkand. Of course, my Karkand time only makes up 25% of my total time, which isn't too bad. I also have a lot of time on PLA maps compared to some other folks.


                      • #12
                        Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                        A few things I always try to keep in the back of my head:
                        Reaching 5.0 K/D with AT mines.
                        Probably won't be so easy after the new patch (4.10 now, who knows how long to the patch ...), but it's kinda fun to try.
                        Maybe getting a bit more playtime on MEC maps. I normally always cancel load when one comes up :\
                        Maybe try for the explosion badge blahblah with AT mines again.
                        Although I really couldn't care less about my stats, my goal is always to have at least one thoroughly enjoyable round per session, if that is possible, I'm entirely content :].


                        • #13
                          Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                          Full Vet badges that I'm working on now.


                          • #14
                            Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                            i want a pony!
                            or expert medic and spm of 4.0
                            (hard to do with that lame limit on time intervals between points)


                            • #15
                              Re: A small personal goal... 2.0+ K/D ratio with every kit

                              I want the Sharpshooter Infantry Medal and War College ribbon :/

