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Awards ?

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  • Awards ?

    Well, i just finnished a pretty good game on Iron Gator on SF, it was EA France ( Elliot Ness), i was going for my vet anti tank badges, so i get upto 19 kills, get pretty exited, blast a person with my DAO .... no badge :hmm: ?
    Then i blast a couple more people, get upto 22 .. no AT specialist badge, so i play on, wondering if its delayed .., got to the end of the round, had 27 kills loaded the next map, on the best scores screen, it was me as the best anti tank, but i only had 6 points, i had around 80 points, not 6

    Would this show up later in BFHQ, or was the server fudged up ?
    oh and yes i do have the hours, i have 17 as AT

  • #2
    Re: Awards ?

    Welcome to the black hole of BF2 awards. Sometimes it just takes more time for it to pop up. Maybe in the next game, maybe when you come back later to look for it. Just the way it is. It can be a lil frustrating sometimes, but just remember to have fun. It isnt worth worrying about.


    • #3
      Re: Awards ?

      yea, thanks, usually it shows up by now, and i also got another 22 kills as special ops, no badge, i know i may sound a little noobish, but damn its annoying.
      has anyone else experienced this ?


      • #4
        Re: Awards ?

        I think we all have had this happen before. It is a lil frustrating, but its just a game and sometimes it doesnt work the way it should. All in all its been a pretty fun journey since the beginning tho. Wait till you really get farther along and you are waiting for that vet or expert badge youve been working your butt of for....and it doesnt show. Thats the point at which you should realize that...its only a game ...have fun.


        • #5
          Re: Awards ?

          It is frustrating. I was going for my expert specops specialist and racked up 49 kills inside the carrier on iron gator, and no badge. :cussing:
          "Crunch's First Officer"
          twitter: @signaprime

