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Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

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  • Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

    I am impressed....

    38mins with knife = 650 Kills
    3.5hours with Pistol = 565 Kills

    /bow to the greatest spawnkiller in the world

  • #2
    Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

    stat padder, thanks.


    • #3
      Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

      Not necessarily.. I have quite a few legit knife kills. Not that many, but I havn't really bothered with my knife for a long time- It didn't take me long at all to get over 100 knife kills. Very possible..


      • #4
        Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

        Originally posted by D|sso
        stat padder, thanks.
        It's POSSIBLE that he's not stat padding. Think about it: say you sneak up on a sniper, whip out a knife, and *uuughh*

        "Perseverance <knifes> ObviousSniperDuh"

        All done in a matter of secs. Therefore, 1 death, in maybe 5s? Lather, rinse repeat. The rest of his/her (it's possible) stats don't reflect much padding, imho. He is something of an accomplished kark armor hoooor, though. Look at his list of enemies he's killed multiple times in a round: he is probably spawn camping/shell spamming the alleys in kark all round long.

        ...Which is why I can only take so much of kark these days. There isn't much "fun" about having a armor on one alley and an APC on the other racking up the kills at the hotel cp.


        • #5
          Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

          Originally posted by D|sso
          stat padder, thanks.
          My thoughts exactly


          • #6
            Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

            Mega is absolutely right...all u do is pull it out and get a kill then switch back to your gun. It makes no sense to run around with a knife out. I'm sure everyone has heard don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

            It helps to think about stuff before coming to a dumb conclusion.


            • #7
              Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

              stat padder

              i you think about, the guy has about 17 knife kills per minute :hmm:


              • #8
                Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                Oh oh gaawwd! Can you see it? Can you see it, i-it's over there! Quick! It's the flagpole of interest!


                • #9
                  Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                  38mins with knife = 650 Kills
                  Thats pretty obvious isnt it?
                  thats 20 knife kills a minute, 1 knife kill every 3 seconds. Right in line with stat padding rate

                  Even if hes playing in a server with an abundance of idiotic snipers to sneak up to, you still cant get such a high rate.


                  • #10
                    Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                    why cant we all just... be like Blazin.uK!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                      He played on our server last night on Iron Gator, but I didn't play those rounds, mouse was flat, so I can't comment on his play style but I did notice he came 1st.

                      I spose I could download the BR file and watch it if I could be bothered or was worried about stat padding. Whilst we couldn't care less about stats there are those that do so we won't allow any blatant stat padding on our server and have had to kick quite a few who do. Though they usually get knifed 1st.


                      • #12
                        Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                        Originally posted by megawhompertoo
                        It's POSSIBLE that he's not stat padding. Think about it: say you sneak up on a sniper, whip out a knife, and *uuughh*

                        "Perseverance <knifes> ObviousSniperDuh"

                        All done in a matter of secs. Therefore, 1 death, in maybe 5s? Lather, rinse repeat. The rest of his/her (it's possible) stats don't reflect much padding, imho. He is something of an accomplished kark armor hoooor, though. Look at his list of enemies he's killed multiple times in a round: he is probably spawn camping/shell spamming the alleys in kark all round long.

                        ...Which is why I can only take so much of kark these days. There isn't much "fun" about having a armor on one alley and an APC on the other racking up the kills at the hotel cp.
                        did you bother to read the first post?

                        38mins with knife = 650 Kills
                        3.5hours with Pistol = 565 Kills

                        thats the facts. obvious stat padder


                        • #13
                          Re: Perseverance, best player in the galaxy?

                          Stat Padder, unless there is a server full server of 64 idle people who keep respawning.

