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comander election

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  • #16
    Re: comander election

    As it is it's unfair on newer players, everyone should be allowed to get the chance to be Commander.
    Maybe if the stats tracked the last time people had been Commander, the ones that had'nt done it for a while could do it, but make it easier to kick a Commander thats doing a bad job.
    And it would be nice if EA/Dice implemented a Commander training mode to be qualified in before being allowed to apply online.
    Anyone new to the game should play SP to become familiar with it before trying online.


    • #17
      Re: comander election

      Originally posted by almanac
      I think every player should take an IQ test. Dumb people = no commander.

      I get pretty irritated when my commander sucks balls. Or is at the front lines.
      Do you have a point of reference for the ball sucking?


      • #18
        Re: comander election

        Originally posted by Bio_Terra
        that would mean that if u had never played commander bfore it would be almost impossible to ever play it, unless u join an empty server
        No it wouldn't I have played on a lot of servers that has no commander on either side.


        • #19
          Re: comander election

          In many of the games I have been in lately, there was really no competition to be the commander. In fact, sometimes it seems that you can't find anyone who wants to play commander in a 64 player game. I think there is still lots of opportunity for new players to play commander.


          • #20
            Re: comander election

            i got a commander score of 217 one round (gold medal.. woot)... i not only did i run around as a medic in the front line getting a shat load of medic heals but i also ordered squads, scanned, spotted infantry, artillery striked, supply dropped and UAV'd every time the re-appeared... basicly.. we shat all over the other team... now what was that about commanders in the front line?

