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How to use ASE

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  • How to use ASE

    I just downloaded All-seeing Eye to track my friend instead of calling them each time I want to play with them

    So I've figured out how to track my friend but now when I click on "Connect as player", It runs BF2 normally .

    Ok, then It asks me for my password , I entered it but then, it just login to the bf2 menu and...... nothing.

    so... why didnt I join the server i've selected on ASE ?
    how does it work, all was fine with BF1942 (no password) but now with BF2 it doesnt seem to work

    help plz
    if you can, give me a full list of steps in order to join a bf2 server

    thx in advance

  • #2
    Re: How to use ASE


    • #3
      Re: How to use ASE

      Find out how to add your username and pass onto your bf2 shortcut so you wont have to login each time and you wont have to click connect as player.

