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Ridiculous Ping Issues

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  • Ridiculous Ping Issues

    Please someone help!
    I've been playing BF2 on the same connection on the same machine since the day it came out. All was fine and the average ping was around 25-30 maybe.
    But recently past month the pings have been crazy literally between 300-3000. This is the same for on special forces! It's driving me mad cos i can't play at all cos of the stupid lag.
    Can anyone give me any advice on lowering the ping of the connection cause i want to play

  • #2
    Re: Ridiculous Ping Issues

    since you basicly didnt provide any information I'll just drop some generic hints:
    Make sure you dont try servers on the other side of the globe.
    Reconnect ur DSL modem if you got any.
    Scan ur system with a up to date Antivirus for worms and stuff.
    Stop downloading pr0n while playing.
    Quit the p2p app that is running in the background.
    Tell your neighbour to stop downloading pr0n over ur WiFi.
    Switch back from your WiFi connection to your TP cables.
    Check your connection for speed and packet losts at
    Ask them for help.

