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    Just posted this over in the SF forum and wanted to share with the Good old BF2 Guys (and gal)

    I was just reading up on how everyone was getting TK'd for helicopters and the like, when some jackass is mad that he didn't get there first. Suddenly a solution shot to mind that I think might just work.

    As we've all figured out, TK'ing on purpose is just bad all around. First someone TK's you for a vehicle (You lose). When you respawn, you find the bastard, and park your G36 up his stupid arse for the rest of the round, and end with a score of -400 (You lose again). However, friendly fire keeps everyone honest, otherwise we would all just lob grenades and C4 at each other without consequence.

    So, why not just REVERSE the effects? If you Fuzz up and blast one of your own with the mega popular F2000 GL, or whatever floats your boat, YOU DIE instead! If some 4 year old lacks the capacity to share his helicopter with you, and shoots you in the face as you're doing your after-start checks, HE DIES! Kinda sucks when it's accidental, but why should anyone suffer for YOUR mistake? YOU lose the points and YOU get a 15 second time out. I know it's not true to life, but this would curb this nasty little habbit pretty quickly!

    What do you guys think?

    I think it's BULLET PROOF!


  • #2

    that be cool if you could re-write code to do that, but i doubt EA will do implement that.

    But yea Vengence is right


    • #3

      bad Idea, when you get to the vehicle first, some tard will come crash into you with a jeep and punish. You will die too, and you'll be back where you started from only with no vehicle, because the 15 other n00b tards waiting will nab it as soon as you die from the tk punish.


      • #4

        But the logic is flawless! I know there are the rare occasions where YOU get a TK for just being in a vehicle that happens to explode, but that's another problem all together. Will one jeep blow up a helicopter if it takes two or three AT rounds? I see what you mean though, you shouldn't survive your own vehicle exploding. My solution is not based on punishing though, so no push of a button can kill you, just if you shoot the bastard, which seems to be the biggest problem.

        In the end, a jackass by any other name...


        • #5

          Great idea. Get it to EA quick sticks!


          • #6
            Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

            This idea is already implimented into several other games such as COD. It is a selectable option, and it really works!

            It's called "Reflective Damage," so that whatever damage you do to THEM, is reflected back to you! I think its an awesome idea. Fullproof for sure. Makes you think TWICE about bombing a flag being capped, or taking a snapshot at the nearest moving thing. You need to ident. it first!


            • #7
              Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

              i know that in another game when you shoot a team mate, it will hurt and/or kill the team mate, but you will take damage if not die yourself. I don't think this would work for bf2 though...i say just make the kick vote actually usable since 95% of the people in the server playing wont vote


              • #8
                Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                Then what do you do about those idiots that will stand in the middle of the runway while you are taking off, or people who jump in front of your jeep for no reason other than to be a twat. It's not flawless there is plenty of other ways to make someone teamkill you.


                • #9
                  Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                  I remember they had this in some servers in bf 1942.


                  • #10
                    Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                    Originally posted by Twisted-
                    Then what do you do about those idiots that will stand in the middle of the runway while you are taking off, or people who jump in front of your jeep for no reason other than to be a twat. It's not flawless there is plenty of other ways to make someone teamkill you.
                    True, But that's for such a complex game like BF2, If it was a pure FPS with no vehicles, "reflective damage" works very very well.


                    • #11
                      Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                      Originally posted by D|sso
                      True, But that's for such a complex game like BF2, If it was a pure FPS with no vehicles, "reflective damage" works very very well.
                      But its not so the point is moot.

                      I personaly just play on ranked servers only, TK's happen but at least its not every single time you spawn.

                      Besides it can be realy fun to torture and torment the person who tked you on purpose, switch teams and grab a sniper rifle.... you should know where he usualy runs to since he was on your team and you just sit and wait for his sorry rear.


                      • #12
                        Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                        A better solution would be to make it so if you TK you can't enter any vehicle at all for 30 seconds...


                        • #13
                          Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                          This option was available for BF1942 there where servers with 200% ff backfire. The result was that some morons made you hurt them to get into a plane. It was very "popular" on Battle for Britain. Some people jumped into a jeep and drove in front of a bomber that was about to take of. Since the the bomber has more weight?hitpoints?whatever the pilot was the one "hurting" the jeep and thus got killed.


                          • #14
                            Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                            Sounds good, but it wouldn't work because people do play in clans, and clans don't "punish" each other if someone accidentaly TKs :P Say, if someone in a tank would TK, and he dies because of that, it would be fatal for the rest of the match.


                            • #15
                              Re: (PATCH) SOLUTION TO VEHICLE TK'ers

                              Yeah, I'm thinking if you accidently run over a person with a vehicle, you shouldn't die. But if a jerkoff kills you with anything other than a moving vehicle, it should cause serious harm. this would keep the honest people out of trouble since once you're in the vehicle, you can do no harm provided you just ran them over and didn't shoot them.

