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Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

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  • Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

    The Story:

    I had a Asus P4S800D mainboard with P4 3.0 Ghz and 1 Gb RAM (Twinmos PC3200 DDR dual-kit). Graphics card is a Palit 6600 128Mb and PSU is Tt480W. I play BF2 with mid/high video settings since August without any major problems with this config. Only occasionaly I experienced some freezes where I needed to reset the pc, but it occurred a few times after several hours of gameplay and I didnt worried too much about it. Like most of BF2 players I got some graphics stutter during the first few seconds of newly started maps, which I thought is caused by my 1 Gb RAM and so I decided to upgrade my RAM to 2 Gb. I bought another pair of Twinmos dual kit sticks which are identical with my first pair of sticks and installed on the mobo. I started the system and everything seemed fine, xpsp2 run stable, a lot of hardware test utilities reported everything is ok, and I launched the BF2...

    First BSOD screen appeared right after a couple of minutes.. It reported a nv4_mini.sys error.. System restart, BF2 launch, and opppss, another BSOD again, this time saying IRQ_LESS etc.. Tweaking with video settings, then with BIOS settings, trying out every possible combination with no avail.. All kinds of BSOD error messages appeared. Sometimes I was able to enter a multi or singleplayer map, even to play a couple of minutes, but then bang, it crashed again and again. Sometimes video just freezed with sound loops, sometimes it gave a BSOD. I updated the NVidia driver with the most recent one, uninstalled and re-installed BF2, SF and 1.12 patch again and again, cleaned the cache folder several times, disabled the dual channel, disabled hyperthreading and tons of other tweaks with no avail. It insisted on crashing.

    And then came my big discovery !!!

    Guess what has totally cured the phenomenon?..


    I increased DDR voltages on the mainboard!!!..

    As you may know default DDR400 voltage standard is 2.5V, but many branded sticks are labeled with slightly higher voltage levels. I think most of the motherboards currently on the market do not provide enough voltage to the RAM banks for some reason. This problem is especially remarkable if *ALL* RAM slots are occupied, a situation which is well known for causing problems on many mobos. My Twinmos sticks run ideally on 2.6V according to the manufacturer. I assumed that the "auto" setting of the BIOS is 2.5V and so I first tried the 2.55V setting, no change.. Then with 2.65V, I was able to play a multiplayer map as long as 10 minutes until it crashed again. With 2.75V setting, I played longer and didn't get a BSOD or hard freeze but it only crashed to desktop. So my last choice was the 2.85V and voila, BF2 runs rock solid since then. Since two days I play hours long on several servers without any single stutter, btw I am also able to run the game in full high settings now. Thanks to 2 Gb RAM, it even runs much more smoother than before and it doesnt crash anymore.


    If you have Crash-to-desktop's, simple video lockups or even BSOD's during gameplay and no other known solution did help you, then consider this seriously.

  • #2
    Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

    had a similar solution work for me too...

    i just upgraded to an athlon 64 3700+ san diego core (formerly the fx-51) and a 7800 gt & was hoping to see some increased performance over my 2600 & 9800 pro, but when i got everything going, the game ran WAY worse, ctds galore, sometimes even random reboots... i went tinkering in the bios & realized that i had left my ram timing on auto & my cas latency was at 2.5 (the ram was rated for 2-3-3-6) so i switched from auto to cas 2 & everything was smooth as butter... kind of odd considering that increasing the speed should generally make things less stable...

    later on i upgraded from 1gb to 2gb of ram & that completely stopped the map start choppiness & woth this setup (got my ram 4 days ago) ive yet to have someone load before me (i once had a flag capped before anyone else had spawned :P )

    i think bf2 is really picky about the system memory & if it isnt running how it was meant to run, it gets ****y & has a fit... just make sure your system is running tip top & you shoudnt have any problems


    • #3
      Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

      So how do you increase voltage?

      My ram is PC2700 which apparently is old technology even though I just bought this **** last year.


      • #4
        Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

        Originally posted by Spud13
        So how do you increase voltage?

        My ram is PC2700 which apparently is old technology even though I just bought this **** last year.
        From BIOS config screen


        • #5
          Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

          Mine doesnt have that option...DAMNIT!


          • #6
            Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

            Would this make a difference for me? I am having a problem with BF2 locking up on PunkBuster Servers. It works fine offline and on non-pb servers, but it makes anywhere between 20 seconds and 20 minutes on a PB server, usually less than 20 seconds before it freezes.

            My system is an Alienware Aurora, Athlon 64 3200+, 2Gb Ram, GeForce 6800 Ultra 256 Mb.

            I know Alienware is supposed to go through and make sure the system is at peak performance before it's shipped out, so this tweak may already be done.

            How would I know what voltage my RAM can handel? I don't want to burn it up.


            • #7
              Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

              as the guy aabove me i am having the same problem i have the aurour 7500 with the amd 3800 processor and the nvidia geforce 7800 gt. I will play the game from anywhere from 5 mins to 20 mins then it will freeze and i get looped noise please help.


              • #8
                Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

                Originally posted by col_mustard
                as the guy aabove me i am having the same problem i have the aurour 7500 with the amd 3800 processor and the nvidia geforce 7800 gt. I will play the game from anywhere from 5 mins to 20 mins then it will freeze and i get looped noise please help.
                Sadly, I don't think there is a solution for those of us with this problem. Near as I can tell, it is a conflict with a handful of Athlon 64 processors and PunkBuster. Most of the Athlons seem to work, but some of us have this problem, and I haven't found anything that even resembles a solution.

                Hopefully I am wrong. I have only been researching this for a couple of days. I have contacted EA, Even Balance, and even AMD trying to get some help here. Maybe one of them will have a solution.

                Can you play on a non-pb server? I can, but that means about 99% of all online games are off limits.


                • #9
                  Re: Possible solution to otherwise unresolved BF2 lock ups

                  No its not, I have a 32 bit AMD and it does EXACTLY what its doing to the guys with the 64 bits.

                  I come here every day hoping someone has finally found a fix to this BS...but none yet.


