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[Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

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  • [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

    The creators of one of the best Battlefield machinima, The Fallen One, are back! And this time they take it one step further.

    YES, this is Battlefield2 folks! No, this is NOT Special Forces or any other custom mod. Most shots are visually enhanced. We use the Battlefield2 engine to tell a thrilling story about a soldier that gets trapped in the Iraqi desert. This teaser only shows a small part of the upcoming movie and most shots are not completely finished.

    The movie will be released sometime in 2006. We have not yet set a date, but as work progresses, we have strong hopes that it will be finished by april/may 2006.

    Hope you'll enjoy...



  • #2
    Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

    (NOO! I was going to use "Rise of the Avenger" for a project I've been developing for two months ... I had my heart set on using that piece of music and now I can't use it without coming across as terribly unoriginal. Damn it all to hell!)

    Okay, now that I've got that out of the way ...

    VERY nice work! I've been regularly checking the LRRP website practically ever since the release of BF2 because I really enjoyed "The Fallen One" -- I know it was a huge hit amongst the BF community -- and I've been greatly anticipating LRRP's contribution to the world of BF2 machinima.

    The trailer looks superb and I don't doubt the final version of the film will blow everyone away. Good luck with all the work still to be done. I'm sure it'll be well-worth the time and effort!


    • #3
      Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

      HolyCRAP...this guy is idolized in the LOMAC and bf community, and I never expected him to make another video. He really is tallented, what kind of experience/backround does he have behind him?

      This is surely going to be one of the, if not, THE best video EVER created for BF2. Trailer is very promising.


      • #4
        Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

        WoW, i s all i have to say for that, can't wait.


        • #5
          Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

          I know LRRP, I know I watched "The Fallen One" and I know THAT is how you make a proper movie, with a proper trailer of course!
          LRRP have got a good crew, and probably a good director and editor(s) as well, they will do wonders with this.
          One thing, is that rain from SF, I don't have SF so I don't know if that was an overlay effect?
          Even if it was, I know my weak processor would struggle rendering all those filters. :laugh:


          • #6
            Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE



            • #7
              Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

              wow looks great, and yeh that rain effect was an overlay effect.


              • #8
                Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                Holy ****!! That was the greatest trailer i have ever seen. AWESOME JOB!!!


                • #9
                  Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                  hmm. This certainly whets my appetite for the full film, and the music to it is superb.

                  Love the bit where the body falls and all the parts after that (the boomph, boomph bit, lol).

                  It just seems to me that the subtitle for The Fallen One is "The best battlefield machinima ever" i'm not saying its bad, its superb, but who deemed that title available to you? Just seems a bit ott, every time you mention yourselves you need to mention The Fallen One - you don't need to, lol.

                  Well, looking forward to the final version. The effects look a bit over the top but are done very well, and the whole feel and atmosphere is superb.


                  • #10
                    Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                    Thx for your comments guys! Donkey and myself greatly appreciate the positive feedback... it drives us even more!

                    I think most of the people will see Sands of Fire as another Battlefield2 movie, but actually... that's not quite what we had in mind. We are creating a machinima (not the same as an oridinary ingame movie) and use Battlefield2 for recording the scenes. But to tell the story we have in mind, we need to visually enhance the scenes, basically to help us set the atmosphere and create emotions you cannot perceive with the standard battlefield2 engine. So yes, it might look a bit over the top... some would say overkill, but I assure you, it will all become clear once you see the finalized version.

                    We put alot of time in this project, and we do it just because we love movie making and because we love Battlefield2. We are not professional movie makers and don't earn any money by doing this, unfortunately . The sole purpose is to create an equally great movie as the fallen one. We try to entertain people, mostly gamers. We know we will attract a different audience with Sands of Fire than The Fallen One, mostly for the reasons mentioned above. Surely we would be disappointed if it gets bad critics, especially after all the hard work and devotion put into it, but ahh well, that's how it goes, I guess.

                    To answer your remark Sir. Fullforce about the subtitle "The best battlefield machinima ever"...well, it might sound strange to you (I know the Sir. community has some nice battlefield movies out there too) but this is an actual quote we got from Fileplanet (we also have some nice quotes from other sites), so we used it in the teaser. That's what movie makers do to promote their upcoming movie, show off with their previous works .

                    Anyway, thx for the interest in our project, make sure to visit our website from time to time, look out for updates!




                    • #11
                      Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                      why the bf2 vietnam clip at the start?

                      edit: n/m


                      • #12
                        Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                        Originally posted by kfj
                        why the bf2 vietnam clip at the start?

                        edit: n/m
                        Subliminal message


                        • #13
                          Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                          too good to be true


                          • #14
                            Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                            Didnt see what was so spectaculer. Fancy video effects but still same stuff to me


                            • #15
                              Re: [Teaser] Sands of Fire, by Little_donkey & StRuPiE

                              What was the music?

                              And compared to all the other crap with a few (VERY few) exceptions this trailer alone is amazing.

                              Is that original music or something else?

                              Also I think you over-did the video effects in some scenes, also what program did you use for the titles & text.

