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Easiest way to get badges

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  • Easiest way to get badges

    I was just wondering what people thought the best size of map for getting badges and good experience are. I personally think 32 player maps are best because most of the time on a 64 player map you are killed by a random grenade or something of the like. 32 player servers are more controlled and you get a much better feel for your team. Just a thought.

    P.S. This thread was not started for advice on my part. For discussion and maybe a little bit of advice for less experienced players.

    Feel free to post thoughts

  • #2
    Re: Easiest way to get badges

    u know, if u parashute from 350ft or higher and land u get an airborn ribbon....


    • #3
      Re: Easiest way to get badges

      Originally posted by crazynutbag
      u know, if u parashute from 350ft or higher and land u get an airborn ribbon....
      i got mine at dalian plant, i tried to land in the nuclear reactor and found out visitors arent welcome there O_o


      • #4
        Re: Easiest way to get badges

        yeah like when i used to play BF1942 I would take a spitfire up as high as it would go on the el alamein map and then jump out and release the parachute. It took about 3 minutes to reach the ground.... Enough time to run to the toilet and back.


        • #5
          Re: Easiest way to get badges

          I found that even smaller servers (16) are good on a medium-small map. I got a score of something like 170 (my highest) but didn't win so I didn't get the 2x bonus. =( I've been trying to find that server for some time now...

