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What is the job of the commander?

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  • What is the job of the commander?

    Can somebody tell me because I think I'm doing it all wrong! Is my job just to sit down and shoot some artillery and UAV and supplies all over the map? Or is this something greater?

  • #2
    Re: What is the job of the commander?

    Yes, to coordinate the squads and give them orders. Example, "you take this positon, and you defend this position".


    • #3
      Re: What is the job of the commander?

      And if they do not follow these orders?


      • #4
        Re: What is the job of the commander?

        They need to change the name of the postion from "Commander" to "Friendly Suggestor".


        • #5
          Re: What is the job of the commander?

          Attack this position!!... please..only if you feel like it that's all. Just asking.. lol


          • #6
            Re: What is the job of the commander?

            Unfortanetly, there's not much you can do. But they're the ones losing on it, since they problary miss some frag- opportunities (if your orders are serious).

            But good squads will follow your orders.


            • #7
              Re: What is the job of the commander?

              Your job is to issue orders and plan strategies. Inform your team where the opponent is. (blablabla you know that)

              1) If you want to play for max. points as a commander (and you must be ensured that your team will win, in order to think about maxing your points) Don't arty the enemy unless its a dire need. Only give UAV and supply to your attacking teammates. To max your points, you have to help your team max their points. (Another thing you probably knew)

              2) Playing for victory: Always arty the enemy so that you will kill as many as possible and they will lose as many tickets as possible.. OR arty squads that are trying to flank your troops or capture bases that are unguarded.
              Use "Spotted" very often.. that means spot all enemy vehicles.. make sure your teams tank is in full bars (Supply your teams tank.. especially if there is only one.)

              And most importantly: READ THE BATTLEFIELD.. Understand the signs and the feedback you get.. I've seen too many commander that are good in many ways but when you are asking for some support / supply they act like they don't hear you.. Not even Negative or anything.. Constant surveilance.. no eating / ****ting or anything.. know your enemies movements before they even know they have moved themselves! :laugh:


              • #8
                Re: What is the job of the commander?

                Funny how they all vote to overthrow you and then once you stepped down some other fool takes your place then they vote him as well. And this keeps going until nobody wants the job.

                Just a few minutes ago I used artillery a little ways up ahead and they cry to me saying I tked them, watch it, try hitting the enemy. Not my fault you people go up to artillery like your jumping through some water sprinklers.

